
  1. Fishies1996!

    Panda Cory’s Q?

    Hello All, I am very new to the fish world, so far it has been going pretty well, however, I never knew how much you needed to know and all the problems that can occur. We have had the fish tank around 6 weeks and have gradually added (in order) Ember Tetras, Honey Gourami, Panda Cory, Kuhli...
  2. Eardz

    Panda Corydoras Eggs

    Hi all, I found a few eggs from my panda Corydoras, I’ve never seen them breed and this is the first time I have seen eggs. Should I do anything special? I have just separated them within the tank for now. I’d love to see them hatch and grow to be strong fry and eventually adult fish to join...
  3. Linkandnavi

    Panda Corydoras and a Carpeted Substrate

    Morning all, I was wondering if anyone had any experience of keeping panda corydoras with a carpeted substrate (dwarf hairgrass)? In particular, whether they are likely to uproot the carpet? Thanks
  4. S

    Columnaris or fungus?? Cory cat

    Tank size: 20ga pH: 6.5 nitrite N02: 0 nitrate N03 20 General hardiness GH: 30 Carbonate hardness KH: 40 tank temp: 77-78 Filtration: topfin 20 + whisper 20 set for low Current tank inhabitants: 3 neon tetras, 5 harlequin rasbora, 1 cobra guppy, 1 panda cory My panda cory got fuzzy! Didn't...