pale fish

  1. M

    Sick cardinal tetra?

    Hey! I’ve just come to my fish tank to see one of my smaller cardinals are looking a little pale! It’s also swimming ever so slightly funny to the rest, more jerky and like it’s struggling to stay level (not floating or sinking like swim ladder) It’s active and has eaten some food this morning...
  2. H

    Pale and inactive bronze Cory catfish

    One of my bronze Cory cats has suddenly gone very pale and just lays at the bottom rarely moving in the past week or so but all of the other fish in the tank look good and healthy any suggestions on how I could the help the fish? In my tank there are: 4 bronze Cory cats 1 guppy (getting a...
  3. FurFinFeathers

    Paling Betta?

    One of my male betta's I've had for about two weeks has gotten really pale recentley. He has recentley recovered from a case of swim bladder, could that maybe be what's had him lose his color? He's in a divided ten gallon tank, so he gets five gallons, and there is a heater and a filter in the...