
  1. T

    275 gallon outdoor freshwater tank

    Hello, new member here from Phoenix. I used to keep aquariums, but recently gave it up because I was spending much more time around the backyard koi pond. Seems I just couldn't stay away! I keep a 275-gallon IBC tote isolated from the pond, with its own filtration, to use as a quarantine tank...
  2. GobyMaster11276

    Plant suggestions for low-light outdoor pond

    Title says most of it. I have a 300l goldfish pond, lightly stocked (3 fish) and under shade most of the time. The water is quite cold due to its outdoor setting and lack of heating, so I need plants that will withstand and thrive in these conditions. What species would work?
  3. JMuth

    A lot of questions; New Tank size, outdoors, rehoming and more

    So I’ll start with the main questions I’m looking for answers for: 1) How big of a tank should I get and how can I stock it? (I have some fish already in desperate need of an upgrade) 2) How should I rehome my goldfish? (There’s a few options and a lot of questions) 3) How do I work with weight...
  4. P

    How to heat outside aquarium

    I currently have 2 albino Oscar’s in. 70 gallon aquarium on my back porch. Have been able to keep them healthy through summer with frequent water changes and temperature monitoring. Have had them less than 2 years but was forced to move and not allowed to bring the aquarium indoors. I have two...
  5. GriffinC18

    Guppy In An Outdoor Tank

    So i placed my female guppy that i believed was pregnant in a 15 gallon tank outside. The temperature was perfect, day and night both....i constantly checked it.  It ended up that the guppy wasn't pregnant even though she looked like an Elephant in the tank compared to the other female. I moved...