
  1. bettafishlover86

    Otocinclus not eating!

    Hi guys, I have had an oto for three weeks. I never see him eating but there is never algae in my tank anymore. I feed him 1 algae wafer every other day just to be sure, but it always breaks down and I never see him eat it. What is he eating? How can I get him to eat algae wafers?
  2. bettafishlover86

    29-gallon aquarium stocking ideas

    Hello everyone, I have 1 male veiltail betta fish, neon tetras, 1 otocinclus cat, and 2 ghost shrimp. I am getting a 29-gallon aquarium soon and I would like some stocking ideas. Any suggestions?
  3. thrujenseyes

    oto advice

    About a year ago, I got some bad advice from a LFS (go figure). And I left with three little Otocinclus for my too small tank ...Fluval Edge 6 Gallon (fully cycled and running for well over a year). After coming here and learning about how they're caught and mostly starving by the time they...