
  1. T

    Help! White Stuff on Goldfish Head

    Ive noticed my oranda has white stuff coming out of its head. I have 4 other goldfish, but are all doing fine. Cant figure out what it is...
  2. V

    Feeding a fish with a chronical swim bladder

    Hi there, one of my oranda lionhead suffer of a swim bladder desease. I won't give up with her because luckely she merely floats on the top of the tank and after digestion time she swim normally It is the first time i deal with a problem like this, im totally newbie so i need help My personal...
  3. N

    Swim bladder won't leave, spreading to my other fish...

    So I know this a very frequent question but I've never been able to fully fix my goldfish that had/has swimbladder and I'm at a loss of what to do. I've been keeping goldfish for about 3 years now and have been familiar and dealing with these sick fish for about half of that time. I currently...
  4. cooledwhip

    What Kind Of Goldfish Are These?

    Hi all, I was at a new LFS today just browsing around and maybe buy some plants and they had a massive tank with a bunch of "small goldfish" as they were labeled. I bought some plants and decided to buy these "small goldfish" Because they were $2 each... and there were HUNDREDS. I also saw in...
  5. M

    Possible Ammonia Poisoning

    I have 2 large oranda goldfish in a 40 gallon tank and have had just the two of them for several years now. I recently got behind in my otherwise routine water changes and noticed one of the fish gasping at the surface, floating on his right side with frayed fins, a cloudy eye (the one at the...
  6. mrstwalker

    Decisions - New Fish?! Help Me Decide!

    So, my hubby really knows how to get me, by contributing to my aquarium addiction, he made a deal with me that if he didn't have to go to a dinner party then he would buy me a new tank and a new betta. Naturally, I gave into my addiction, and hubby didn't go to the dinner party, so now I get a...
  7. mrstwalker

    Ordering Fish - Help!

    Here lately the stock of Bettas and Orandas at the LFS have been pretty lousy. I am looking to set up a tank for either a betta (already have 2) or  2 Oranda goldfish. I am looking to purchase quality fish of either species from a good breeder.   Does anyone know a good website I could purchase...