opinions please :)

  1. gilltyascharged

    Liquid or Strips: Freshwater Test Kit Preference?

    After running back and forth to get my water tested at the LFS, I figured it would probably be more economic (and easier overall) to just buy my own test kits. However, I'm not entirely sure on whether I should invest in liquid or strip test kits. So TFF, I got to ask: which one do you prefer...
  2. gilltyascharged

    Dwarf Puffer Setup in 25L Tank? Opinions, Thoughts, and Advice Needed

    Recently I created a poll about stocking a 16" x 8.56" x 11.2" (25L) tank, and am happy to say that I have received a lot of great input and advice (if you haven't already voted, here is a link to the poll...comments/suggestions are much appreciated!). However, nothing really has been said about...