
  1. Freshyfishy

    Going to get a betta

    Hello! I have a spare 25 gallon that I am going to use for a betta. I have some questions on what to get and how to make sure my betta isn't just happy and living, but Thriving and joyful. Food : What are the best flake options? What are the best pellet options? What are the best...
  2. C

    What should I put in my 10 gallon tank?

    hey guys :) I have just bought a 10 gallon tank after my betta died and I wanted to try something new. I'm looking for suggestions on how to stock it. At the minute I'm thinking about livebearers although I would only get males because I'm not wanting fry. Guppies? Platies? Mollies? Endlers...
  3. C

    Fish Dying ?

    Hi everyone! I was hoping to get some help. So, I got a freshwater tank in Setember last year. I follow all the tips i could find so it would go smootly. I have 7 corys in the tank and 3 plecos (i know you not supposed to keep plecos together, i didnt know about that until recently but they...
  4. SAChichlidLover

    New Tanks I am heavily considering doing.. Thoughts?

    So I am heavily thinking about doing three tanks in the next month or so and I'd love to hear you're feedback and thoughts! 1st to come will be a 67 gallon built around firemouth's and a Jack dempsey. 2nd to come will be another 67 gallon built purely for a male gold saum green terror. 3rd to...
  5. A

    Fishless Cycling our new 55 gallon tank

    Hey guys, We’ve been having a small 10 gallon tank for a while now and got our new 55 gallon tank a couple of weeks ago so we’re still pretty new to all of this. We decided to do a fishless cycle on this new tank. Our nitrite levels are already pretty high and have been staying high for a week...
  6. K

    Blue LED light?

    Me again :rolleyes: Are there benefits to having a blue LED moonlight on in the tank? My new tank I've set up has a long white LED and a short blue LED. You can have them on singularly or both together. I presume the "moonlight" is good for nocturnal fish? Will it have any negative effect on...
  7. brokenoob!

    Rosy Cloud Rocks...Thoughts?

    Hey all! I'm setting up a 10g nano tank right now and found these beauuuutiful looking rocks called "Rosy Cloud Rocks" from Petco, brought them home, rinsed them well in hot water and just plopped them in my tank. I'm really new to this hobby so I didn't even know that rocks can change pH and...
  8. H

    Newly Cycled Tank

    Hi all, been cycling a 230l tank over the last 5 weeks. I have been dosing ammonia to 4ppm. The nitrite and ammonia are now dropping to 0 in a few hours. My question is when I stock fish I will obviously do it gradually however will the bacteria start dying off as the fish load I put in wont be...
  9. M

    New to the hobby new tank already purchased fish

    I set up my tank a couple of days ago and was not supposed to get a fish until my tank had finished cycling. However, one trip to the pet store to get some supplies I kind of fell in love with one specific betta. With some peer pressure I ended up purchasing him. I still want to do a fishless...
  10. hmiddleb13

    Starting 2nd tank

    I started my first tank in August and did a fish in cycle. I actually posted some questions here because I never quite showed typical nitrogen cycle stages. Basically I never saw it happen, but it obviously did and I have a 15 gallon tank with 10 glofish tetras and 4 golden otos all very happy...
  11. T

    New 10 gallon tank

    Hello! I am fairly new to the fish hobby, i’ve had my dragon scale betta since june 2017 and he is living happily in a 2.7 gallon tank. I’m going to buy a 10 gallon tank, and i’m wondering which fish/how many would be best for it. I like guppies, and i might do an all male guppy tank, but i also...
  12. natistotel

    Choosing Fish, Please Help :)

    Hello everyone,   I am pretty new in this hobby and I have some doubts about my new aquarium. It is Juwel Rio 125   Originally I planned on having 2 oranda gold fish, maybe an apple snail here and there and few plants. But I started looking fish on the internet and I'm kind of doubting Oranda...
  13. thrujenseyes

    Hi, My Name Is Jen And I'm A Fishaholic

    Just saying hi and introducing myself.   My name is Jen and I just purchased a little fluval edge 6 gallon with a couple live plants and a nice piece of driftwood.   A cute little assassin snail must have stowed away in a plant because he's the sole inhabiter of my little aquarium.   I'm cycling...
  14. M

    New Tank

    Hey guys,  So I started a new tank over a week ago now, and I couldn't contain my excitement. I received a 44 gallon tank (bare) as a christmas gift. I bought a filter, heater, rocks (substrate) and starter kit for my new tank and started cycling it. The next day, I added 3 harlequin rasboras...