
  1. A

    Struggle with water quality and high nitrates in cycling tank

    Hello I am very new to the hobby having just had a few Danio over the past year. Unfortunately I didn’t know about fully cycling a tank before, had used QuickStart and waited a few weeks before adding the fish. I am upgrading to a 20gallon tank but the water quality is terrible where I live pH...
  2. S

    Buy with or without filter/ heater

    Newbee question.. Just splashing out ona 240l tank and cabinet... Question is.. Do I go for a heater and filter included or do I get separates.. I keep reading both sides but am unsure.. Just there's no points buying a set to find the output on the filters rubbish or that I need more juice in...
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    Size question - silly one really..

    Hey all. I'm about to buy a larger tanka nd choices are. 240l or 182l... I dont have a budget or space issue.. But just wondering if there's a consensus on preferred size of tank that experienced keepers stick to. I have only 3 small angels some shrimp and 2 dwarf gourami...and a few tetras...