new fishtank

  1. SamsFishaquatic

    Starting A New Tank... What Should I Get.

    So excited to be a getting a new 37 gallon or a 40. I have been looking around and have not made up my mind yet. I really want a hardy fish or anything that could make the tank look cool. Probably going to get some kind of chiclid. Also any ideas on plants or decor? Thanks and I will make sure...
  2. Fiji

    55 Gallon Aquarium

    Hello everyone. I'm kind of new to the forum and i thought this would be a great place to ask my fish questions! First question- Compatibility... The fish that i would like to put in the tank are: 1 angelfish, 1 synodontis catfish, 2 dojo loaches, 1 African leaf fish, 4-5 Boesemani rainbow fish...