new fish suggestions

  1. E

    Advice for Treating Columnaris

    Background Info on Tank: 10 G (cycling since 5.7.22) 3F Molly 3(?) Yo-Yo Loach 2(?) Bristlenose Pleco Temp: 78-80˚F pH: ~7.8 Ammonia: ~*0 ppm; ~**0.5 ppm Nitrites: ~*0 ppm; ~**0 ppm Nitrates: ~*40 ppm; ~**30 ppm *: as of 6.18.22 **: as of 7.2.22 **Note: Im not a professional, just a new...
  2. P

    33 gallon long stocking suggestions?

    Ok so my tank has been fully cycled for about a week and I'm ready to add fish but can't decide what I want. I need some good algae eater suggestions as well - algae is trying to take over while plants begin to take hold. All fish need to be plant and shrimp-compatible. Thinking of doing a...
  3. K

    New fish advice - what to add to tank

    I am looking for some advice on what fish to add to my tank. I have a 36 gal bow front freshwater tank. I have 5 small platy fish, 2 swords, 1 adult black molly, 2 molly fry, 1 small guppy & 1 betta. I don’t want to add many more as I don’t want over crowding but maybe 2 more?? Any fish...