neocaridina shrimps

  1. Flowerfairy13

    Liquid Fertilizer & Shrimps

    Hi Everyone! I wanted to ask peoples opinions on using liquid fertilizer in shrimp tanks. I have a 60L planted tank containing around 30 mixed Neo Shrimp and 1 Male Betta. It is planted with Sessiflora, Montecarlo, Cryptocorne, Java Moss & Frogbit. I have been using Seachem Flourish once a...
  2. Tacocat

    Why are the shrimp swimming up and down the water column?

    (journal on it: I have a 5 gallon fish tank with 2 guppies, 2 dwarf rasboras, 1 cardinal that I was misled to buy, 6 cherries, 3 assassin snails, 1 ramshorn and a bunch of baby rams horns that the assassins are killing. I noticed...
  3. Davit Gogoladze

    Planted Vase Setup! 2 Gallon Shrimp Vase Aquarium

    Soil: Fluval stratum Mangra Driftwood Plants: Eleocharis parvula, Hemianthus micranthemoides, Phoenix Moss, duckweed, pistia Neocaridina shrimps and snails :) The video will be coming soon....