need help

  1. Q

    New to the hobby and in need of help

    Hi there! So after watching and researching about planted tanks on the internet I've decided start one myself. I've bought the substrate, rocks, driftwood and plants to use in the tank and have cleaned them (boiled the driftwood, washed the sand, scrubbed the rocks, washed plants with hydrogen...
  2. P


    Hey guys i have 3 corydora catfish i have had for a while now and i have never had any issues with them. today when i got home from work i went to feed them and i noticed one was sorta laying on it’s side and wouldn’t move so i tried to pick him up with the net (i honestly wasn’t sure if it was...
  3. shaziasadiqah

    What is this on my Blackghost Knife Fish?

    as i watch my tank tonight i notice that my blackghost knife (BGK) have this small white stripe on his/her body that really worry me. he/she just move to a new tank about two weeks ago and still hides a lot but eating normally and swimming around normally during the night. i do have a piece of...
  4. shaziasadiqah

    Is This Blue Green Algae (Cyanobacteria)

    This morning i saw this green thingy on one of my plant, then i remove it by cutting the plant and take a closer look. I'm not sure if it's blue green algae (cyanobacteria) but i'm kinda pretty sure because it has a smell to it, it's like the kind of earthy smell. Right now i don't do...
  5. shaziasadiqah

    Guppy disease. Need help ASAP.

    This is a female guppy that my husband have in his 25gal fry tank. she got this weird white spot on her body near the tail about 2 days ago and then i start anti fungal medication, do a 20% water change everyday and put airstone to give more oxygen. but this morning i saw her dead laying on...
  6. S

    Urgent help needed! Fish dying...

    Hi, About one week ago, one of my fish (female blue ram) had passed away with little warning along with a new SAE (which was expected as it was new). That is where i thought it would end, but no. Yesterday, whilst doing my daily feed, I noticed one of my swordtails floating lethargically on...
  7. M

    New Tank For The Family

    Hi Everyone,    My husband has been dreaming of having an aquarium in our new home for years. He turns 40 in October and I would love to get him started with this new hobby but I just need guidance!!!    He has always talked about Marine tanks vs. freshwater and after taking our son to a...
  8. W

    Only Guppies Dying

    I have a 55 gallon fish tank it was perfect and I been had guppy fry but an ice storm came through and knocked out my power for 3 days, I lost all my fish. After getting power back I cleaned out the tank and tested the water a few days later ammonia 0 I don't remember the nitrites or pH but I...