natural tank

  1. gilltyascharged

    "Temporary" Holding Habitat

    Back in November, I started a planted 2.5 gal tank to use for shrimp. Within a good couple weeks, it was home to copepods, then later ostracods. Introduce some detritus worms from another tank, and blammo!—mini community. Well, fast forward to a couple days ago and I decided to use it as a...
  2. V

    Help please

    I rinsed the dirt before putting it in and it sat in the tank for a day till I started aqua scaping. I put plastic over the substrate to hopefully not disturb but my fear came true and I created mud.
  3. Rexer reigns

    Fish tank water changing

    Hi guys, I'm new to here and i don't have much experience in fish management. I installed my 6 gallon tank 2 day's ago. In my tank i have 4 guppy's and 2 platy's. unlike other tanks my tank is buried in soil, cemented on it's sides and bottom. Now i wan't your precious suggestion's and...
  4. ameliagb

    what can I keep with my senegal bichirs?

    Hi! okay so I have a bowfront tank of like 50 ish gal with 2 senegal bichirs one grey one and one albino both fairly small but the grey one growing at a kind of noticeable rate as well as 1 pink and 1 blue convict. the tank is very natural looking and heavily planted with a set up of rock...
  5. B

    Help Me Aqua Scape My Tropical Aquarium!

    Hiya everyone! I have a 240 gallon Fluval Roma tank with: One Power-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 40W, T8 One Aqua-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 40W, T8 A 300W heater Fluval 306 external filter At the moment the tank is up and running as a tropical tank with only fake decorations in it, no...