nano aquarium

  1. Z

    Soft water 35cm cube stocking

    Hello, I am looking to change my current nano reef tank to a freshwater tank. I have previously kept freshwater and feel this sized tank would be better as a freshwater tank than salt. The inside display tank dimensions are roughly 35cmX27cmX30cm (length x width x height). 35x35x35cm...
  2. Least Killifish Video

    Least Killifish Video

    Least Killifish(Heterandria Formosa); World's smallest fish, and an extravagant part of my collection.
  3. D

    Help guys!!! I'm worried!!

    So, I'll try and keep this story short. The picture above is my sister's tank. She's 13. Her bf is 14. Here's the thing. His parents are very wealthy, and they adore my sister, but they buy her whatever she asks for. When she was 11, she wanted goldfish, so I got her two, but I knew they'd...
  4. moonmist

    17gal high tech nano aquarium journal

    Last night I got to set up my new nano tank! I’ll be posting updates later tonight when I add some plants :)
  5. PygmyMitch

    Planted 10g Tank

    I thought it was time to make a journal for my 10g tank. I’m planning on changing the look of the tank slightly, as I think it’s currently looking a bit too basic and simple. My plan is to reposition the existing plants, add more plants and add some driftwood. I have 4 pygmy corys, which I will...
  6. PygmyMitch

    Plant Suggestions for Small Tank

    I need help in choosing some plants for my tank. I’m open to any suggestions, but also have seen a few I like the look of. My tank is a 48L tank, split into two compartments. The Main tank area and the filter compartment (its a custom built filter) The aprox dimensions of the main area: L...
  7. S

    Video Onix (Pokémon) in Betta Aquarium

    Hello, I'm Sanma in Korea. I am new to this forum. I present below my nano planted tank. I'd like to show you through my channel that you can make a beautiful aquarium with just with a small fish tank without any complicated materials. Thank you so much.
  8. O

    Compressiceps Dwarf Pike Cichlid tank size

    I'm looking to keep just 1 Compressiceps Dwarf Pike Cichlid. I want to make a beautiful nano aquascape. I found a 36x8x10 nano tank for $200. A 24x14x14 for $240. would a different tank be better? please, any information would help.
  9. reptilenotfish

    UNS 5n, dry start method

    setting up a uns 5n (4.6 gal) just got done with the hardscape, getting the tank and equipment on monday/tuesday I looked but couldn't find much on a tetra/rasbora/danio that wouldn't have a problem with this sized tank, so any suggestions welcome, will probably get shrimp though.
  10. ember04

    Wild Betta for my tank

    Hi all I’ve got a 7.5 gallon 26 litre tank. It is run on a modified canister filter with a baffle for low flow. The tank is black water and is heavily planted. As far as stocking after keep domesticated Betta for a while the wild Betta species are really interesting to me. I also want to keep a...
  11. Honey Fish

    Best fish for 3 gal tank

    About a year ago my beta got very sick and died I saved his 3 gal tank and I have been saving it to get a new fish what fish are the best and how many could I put in? Im looking for something easy to take care of and preferably a one that dies not eat live things as my family has some bad...
  12. April_ht

    4.2 Gallon (16 Litre) Stocking

    About a month ago, I bought a 16 litre tank for some platy fry (tank dimensions around 35cm x 20cm x 25cm maybe). I’ve placed 5 into the main tank to see how they do with adult platy and White Cloud Mountain Minnows, the latter of which chased them though could not fit them in their mouth. I’ve...
  13. Corydoras_Catwoman

    Can I turn the pump off?

    I’ve got a completely DIY planted tank going for my bedroom. It’s only a 15l tall tank (I re-siliconed an old reptile enclosure and installed gaps for piping) so I’ve made a homemade filter from some parts I had lying around. It’s got a chamber with some ceramic filter media and an external...
  14. A

    Nano tank stocking ideas / Help please!

    Hi I’m having a hard time figuring out what fish to put in my 30litre (believe that is 8 US gallons) tank and would really love some help. Tank dims: 32 x 32 x 32 cm. TBH I think the tanks small footprint makes fish stock choice a like tricky.? The tank is around two years old so well...
  15. X

    1st 28Ltr Aquascape Betta tank

    Hi all, thought I'd share my first Aquascape. Please feel free to add feedback ?
  16. S

    New Nano Tank Aquascape

    Hi All This is my second attempt at setting up a Nano Freshwater Aquarium. The first was a general disaster thanks to lack of research! I've spent quite a few months planning this one and wanted to share my set up with you all. It's a 20 litre Nano tank, using remineralised RO water...
  17. S

    Reducing Air Pump Power/Flow

    Hi There I have a 20 litre nano tank which came with an Aqua One Air Pump, as the tank has a built in filter compartment at the back. Now, previously I had a Betta fish in this tank and even though I had the pump on the lowest setting, it was truly blasting out. I DIY'ed a solution by...
  18. S

    RO Remineralising Quanitites in Nano Tank

    Hi All I've recently set up my 20 litre, planted nano tank. I've elected to use 100% RO water which I am remineralsing, and I wanted to ask if others have done this and how they scaled their doses for various quantities of water for a nano tank, i.e. large quantity at start up, 50% water...
  19. ember04

    Nano Old ball fish

    I have always been attracted to the more unusual fish in the hobby, I can only have nano tank due to the size of my house but would still love an old ball fish tank. I have a spare 16-gallon aquarium and through it would be the perfect old ball tank. i like lots of old ball fish but the more...
  20. G

    What is eating my anubias?

    My anubias suddenly started to get brow. I notice that a small brow spot forms and the leaves start to die. I see the shrimps (neocaridinas) On it and in the morning a big chunk of the leaf is gone. As far as I know, neocaridinas only eat deceased leaves, so something must be damaging the...
  21. Barry Tetra

    Is 2 Gallon tank too small for betta

    Hi TFF, I’ve seen this 2 tank on sale in my LFS, Do you guys think it’s too small for betta? @essjay
  22. PygmyMitch

    48l Tropical Aquarium

    After having my aquarium set up for some time now, Yesterday I decided to make my first purchase of tropical fish for my 48 litre tank. I decided to go for a school of 10, neon tetras!
  23. PygmyMitch

    48 litre Betta Tank

    Hi guys, this is my 48 litre tank which I have been Setting up for a while. I plan for this tank to be home to a male Betta fish, and a small school of fish, and maybe some shrimp or snails. There are currently no fish in the tank, but I do have 4 Echindorous Bleheri, plants and some Salvinia...
  24. Davit Gogoladze

    Nano tank with shrimps

    Hello! This is my nano tank (3months) 45x28x30cm ELU aqua soil 2x 5w 6500k led (8h) filter aquael versamax fzn-1 Bucephalandra Anubias barteri var. nana glossostigma elatinoides Hemianthus micranthemoides Christmas Moss Heterandria formosa 10+ shrimps neocaridina 20+ CO2 JBL Ferropol JBL...
  25. R

    Splitting freshwater stock between 3 gallon and new 5 gallon

    Right now I have a 3 gallon planted nano freshwater tank, cycled, heated, and filtered. Living in it are 1 Betta, 1 mystery snail, 1 pom pom crab, and some random MTS & pond snails. There's 3 anubias nana, 2 marimo balls, 1 3x3" moss carpet, two small slate rocks covered in Christmas moss, and a...
  26. RedSarah

    Nano tank stand sitting on tack strip?

    Hey all, I have a couple of questions for you about stand placement! I've got a 7-gallon rimless cube on a 32" tall heavy duty wire rack (the tank sits directly on a 1" thick slab of hardwood). I live in a fully carpeted fourth-floor apartment. Today, I pulled a corner of the carpet back to...
  27. RedSarah

    Should I use wood on top of wire rack shelves?

    Hi all, I'm setting up a couple of new tanks and purchased a wire shelving unit from Uline. It is labeled "industrial" shelving and has a weight capacity of 800 pounds (assuming this is per unit not per shelf, but it isn't very clear). This is the unit! I'm only putting two 7 gallon cube tanks...
  28. T

    19L Fluval spec stocking.

    Morning all, First post here I would like some advice please :) So my 11yr old daughter wants a fish tank for Christmas which is pretty much a done deal, it’s not the first time she’s had one and she knows a little about keeping fish. She mainly wants a single Betta, we will possibly get an...
  29. N

    What to put in a nano tank??

    I have an 8 gallon planted tank and I was wanting advice on what to Put in it. Is 4 or 5 guppies(preferably male so they don’t breed) 4 dwarf Corydoras and maybe a few shrimp too much for my tank?
  30. I

    Planning a tank with seahorses!!!(dwarf probably)

    Hello everyone. I have a plan for a dwarf sea horse tank but I just want other people's thoughts on this to make sure it's good! So, I would want a fluval Evo, 5 gallons. I would probably have 12-16 dwarf seahorses as I read you can have 4 per gallon and I want to go easy since I'm just starting...
  31. monahan95

    Cherry Shrimp Tank Mate Suggestions?

    Hi guys, I am going to be purchasing a 60l aquarium in the next couple of weeks and my plan is to focus the whole aquarium around red cherry shrimp . Obviously it's going to take a little while to fully cycle the tank to get it ready for cherry shrimp, but until then i've been trying to do my...
  32. D

    Dwarf Puffers In Bad Shape

    I have/had 3 dwarf puffers in a nano aquarium. It has been set up for over a month now but i recently returned from holiday to find the tank covered in algae and the nitrite measuring 0.5!! I quickly did about a 50% water change and scrubbed off all the algae to find it was still high so on...