
The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. S

    Green Terror Cichlid Mouth Issue

    I’ve noticed that my green terror cichlid has had his mouth open for awhile and hasn’t been able to close it. Occasionally it has been breathing slightly heavy but not all the time. It also sits on its nest outside of the pot all day and won’t move unless it’s provoked or if it’s feeding time...
  2. P

    Growth near German Blue Rams Mouth

    Hi All, I’m new to this forum so hello! I recently acquired two German Blue Ram and I noticed when I got one home it had a slightly squint face. I thought this may be a birth defect of some sort but over the past week I’ve noticed it’s face has increasingly become more squint and there seems to...
  3. Linkandnavi

    White (slightly stringy) lips on two Boesemani Rainbows

    Hi all, Two of my Boesemani Rainbows have developed white growths on their upper lips. It appears slightly stringy/cottony. I`m just getting a quarantine tank up to temperature and will transfer them over. That said, I`ve been looking extensively online and from the descriptions it could...
  4. L

    Please help! Cannot find any info on this

    Can someone please help me? One of my Dalmatian molly fish is going to die if I can't figure this out. I have a 60gallon tank, with 35+ other mollies (they keep having babies and I don't know what to do with them... but that is a problem for a different day). The tank has been established...
  5. G

    Help Started A Few Days Ago

    I had three rainbow fish one died and the other two have this white stuff on its mouth. What is it and can it be cured? Could it be spread from fish to fish.
  6. davidjp1982

    White Lips On Serpae Tetras

    Can anyone please help identify what is wrong with my Serpaes. I recently picked up a batch of 5 from my LFS. I noticed within a day that 3 of the 5 had what looks like white dead skin on their lips. They seem perfectly happy and show no sympotms other than thir white lips. Water paramaters are...