
  1. Chris1075

    Mopani Wood Question

    So I have noticed this developing on the piece of mopani wood that I have had for about 6-7 years. This is the second time that I have had to deal with the issue. The first time I just scraped it off with an X-Acto knife, but it is back again. I am left wondering is this harmful or just...
  2. Chris1075

    20 Gal Freshwater to driftwood or not...

    Hello all... I am just seeking some information and comments about expanding my aquarium. As my post say's, I have a 20 gallon freshwater tank, with some java fern, money wart, cabomba for plants. I have 3 bleeding heart tetra's 3 golden long tail tetra's and 3 turquoise guppies. 1 golden...
  3. LyraGuppi

    Lapis's Solo 5Gal

    Hi fishkeepers! I'm on a mobile device right now, do excuse me if I have autocorrect moments. :D I have a sorority betta, Lapis, that is getting some bullying. She's going into the solo life in her own 5gal. I know, 5gal are a bit small, but she is a juvenile. Not baby, just young adult. I...
  4. benthyer

    My First Tank

    Don't let the title mislead you, it is my first tank but I have been running it now for just over a year   I have considered putting up images of my tank for a long time now but never thought of it being good enough as I see so many awesome tanks on here, but I figured I could show you where I...