molly disease

  1. I

    Help! Molly fish keep dying

    Hi, I’m pretty new to fish keeping and this is my first time keeping mollies. My tank is over 1 month old and had been cycled before adding any fish. The tank now contains 3 mollies and 3 emerald eye rasboras. It’s only the mollies that are getting sick. They start acting lethargic and then...
  2. GothFishKeeper

    Is my fish sick or just pregnant?

    I recently donated all of the juvenile mollies in my tank to the LFS I work at, and now that there’s more room in the tank my mollies have been “doing it” nonstop. Yesterday I noticed that my black molly’s belly was a bit bigger and more squared off, but now I’m concerned. She’s removing herself...
  3. M

    Molly sickness

    Hi everyone all help is appreciated! We have had our tank set up and running for nearly a year, we have mollies platies and a couple of plecs, Recently we got a couple more mollies and brought with them some sickness, We've now had about 7 die in just over a week From looking at forums the...
  4. Stefan3289

    Molly spinning and laying on side

    Hello all, I noticed yesterday my Molly was laying on its side at the bottom of the tank. I put him in a breeder net that sits at the top of the tank to prevent him from being picked on and to be closer to the surface for oxygen after doing a 30% water change. He then started to spin and his...
  5. W

    Molly Has Hole in Side - Help!!!

    Hi All, I'm brand new here. My beautiful yellow dalmatian molly, Champa, has a big hole on the side. I first noticed some white mass last night. I searched everywhere and am unsure what it could be. I ordered some aquarium salt as I found that it could assist with wounds. Today, the white mass...
  6. B

    molly disease, help pls !

    I have a black balloon molly. as i was doing a water change today i noticed he has a grey film on him and his fins are clamped, he is actively swimming and acting normal though. i am thinking it is velvet but i am not sure. what do i do? there are 2 other fish in the tank and some snails. i do...
  7. Mollyforever

    molly with internal parasite, velvet, and fungus

    Hi So I bought a black “gold dust” molly from petco a month ago and ever since I introduced her (name is Eva) to the tank I’ve been thinking that she may not be a gold dust molly but a black one with velvet. When I first saw her she was in the tank with a bunch of gold panda mollies ALL MALE...
  8. E

    Molly has dropsy?

    Hi, After my last message about a few fish dying, there seemed to be no issues after I gave the tank a water change...until now. One of my mollies seems to be swimming around a lot slower and it’s scales have puffed up, I had a look on the internet and believe it might be dropsy? Is there anyway...
  9. carligraceee


    My molly fish has a small amount of white fuzzy stuff under his eyes. I moved him into a hospital tank and was going to go to the pet store to grab some anti-fungal treatment. Is that what this is? The camera won't pick up anything. But this is similar to what it is... Not as swollen and...
  10. carligraceee


    HEY GUYS THIS IS SUPER URGENT! So my Dalmatian molly (Sherlock) was doing fine ever since I purchased him. However, I just purchased a new tank with a filter and heater. I set the heater to around 75 degrees and everything was fine until this morning. One of my girls went into hiding in the...
  11. C

    Is this ick on my molly fish ?

    Hello fish experts, My molly started having these white dots all over his body two weeks ago. I moved him to a 3 gal tank and treated him with Tetra Lifeguard and cured him. Yesterday I moved him back to my large tank and today he was back like this. These look like ick but I wasn't sure if...
  12. T

    Molly with crusty head?

    She has been like Th is since I got her 8 months ago. It’s been spreading and she is losing her color slowly.
  13. L

    Mollies ill

    Hiya I've got to mollies onr black and one orange and black The black one has in the water very grey/green belly The orange and black one is covered in white spots but it's not like any white spot I've ever seen wasnt sure if it was ich or something else Thanks for the help