
  1. danajs

    Melting Vallisneria?

    Hi all, I’ve planted some Vallisneria Asiaticia “Corkscrew” in my aquarium and it’s suddenly all melted. I know, like Crypts, Vals are prone to melting in a new aquarium, but it was doing ok for about 3 weeks and then every single leaf melted (the attached photo was taken on 28th August)...
  2. Ieesha99

    Melting plants

    Is this japonica melting ? If so is that normal?
  3. Aspen35

    Struggling with plants.

    I recently ordered some jungle Val. I knew it may take a while to adjust from being shipped, but it’s going very poorly. Was delivered September 28th. At first, I thought it wasn’t going to melt back or have too many problems, and it started sending runners. Now, everything is dying. The little...
  4. Alm0stAwesome

    Planted Tank Problems - Poor Growth & Melt

    I despair with the looks of my tank at the moment.  My angels ate all of my weeping moss, lobelia cardinalis dwarf and limnophilia aromatica - which was pretty frustrating and an expensive snack. I dunno if I can be bothered to try another moss but I would welcome suggestions for angel-proof...