
  1. T

    New here and need help ID illness

    I have a 5 year old Green Severum in a community tank. After fighting with the Rainbow fish he had a chunk taken out of his right cheek. Lots of water changes and waiting, but 3 months on it still hasn't healed and has slowly expanded. Today I've returned from a trip to see his left eye now...
  2. G

    My one Platy is looking very rough. Skinny, brown, not moving much, drooping rear end. I’m heartbroken and desperate for help!!

    I have a 29 gallon tank that started with 3 ADF’s, after 2 months added 5 Blue Platy’s. That was about 2 months ago. The water levels are all fine, test them every 4 days or so. I just noticed after admittedly not checking on all of them to make sure they were all doing fine, since I always saw...
  3. pimudh

    Single white spot on Bleeding Heart Tetra

    Hi everyone, I'll go into details to hopefully give a clear picture of what's going on and will write a summary near the end, for those who don't want to read it all. Around 2 weeks ago I suddenly noticed a white patch on the head of one of my BHT's. It must've appeared suddenly and not slowly...
  4. N

    Betta fib issue

    I’ve had my better for about two years and he has always thrives in his tank but the past three ish weeks I noticed this white growth on his fin. It hasn’t really grown but ever since he got it, he hides a lot and only comes out to eat. He still looks healthy and he isn’t flaring his gills. I...
  5. syren

    Flesh eating bacteria???

    Title is an attention grabber, I know, but I am back again after having minimal issues with Grosso! (insert massive sigh here) I got sick of the 10 gallon shortly after experiencing back to back canister issues and it almost killing him, so shortly after I upgraded to a 36G and things have been...
  6. I Like Rare Fish

    Bichir with a light patch on side

    Hi, my Delhezi Bichir has a light patch on his back. It’s obvious. No ammonia, nitrite, and 15 nitrates. It just appeared on him. @Colin_T