
  1. maddi7777

    Is something wrong with my betta fish??

    Hello forum, I was just wondering if what has happened to my betta fish is normal. I understand they can marble over time, but I’m worried about his size. I got him in July (the white picture of him) and he’s now much slimmer and even his head and body looks smaller (the metallic picture of...
  2. C_Sage

    Is this a Marbled Butterfly Betta?

    About a week or so ago we bought a butterfly betta, he was dark blue almost black with translucent fins. The other day we noticed white patches starting to appear. We would like to know if he is sick or is he a marble? Thank you!
  3. Laura A.G.

    Hello! New member, and new little betta fish! - Could someone help me identify his exact type?

    Hi! I am Laura. I am new to the forum! I wanted to introduce you to my little guy, and also ask for help in how to precisely identify him. Initially I thought he was a White Delta Betta. Then I saw some forums describe his color and texture as Marble? Other forums describe it as Iridescent...
  4. ReMz

    Meet Finley - Unexpected Marble

    Been a while since I have kept a betta. Figured it was time to have another happy guy   Started like this in the cup at the LFS.... he was pretty stunning, but less so than some of the other guys. So many imperfections, I just had to have him.     Immediately acclimated and was eating. annnnd...