male molly

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  1. B

    Help! Is there something wrong with my Fish?

    My only male molly fish that lives in a 20-gallon with 2 small shrimp, a few small snails, a bristle nose pleco, 3 female mollies (two of which are his daughters), 2 male guppies, 4 baby mollies, and 6 tetras. Around 2 weeks ago I saw him sitting at the bottom of the tank barely moving. The day...
  2. carligraceee

    Aggressive mollies and now I’m stressed

    Okay so I’ve always known mollies tend to be aggressive. Especially the males. But I have been able to fix this situation in the past and wanted help sexing my mollies! If they are males, then i have too many males and i need to replace two of them with females (i have one female molly and one...
  3. E

    Video Male Molly pregnant?

    This molly was bought two or three weeks ago and I chose her because she was a girl. Then after a week or so I looked again and thought I must have been mistaken. I have since read that it is possible for the fish to be a 'late bloomer' or even to change gender. But now she/he looks pregnant or...
  4. StephanieHinsley


    So I currently have only one fish in a 25-30 gallon tank of brackish water. He's a silver Molly with black spots named Rorik, and ever since his mom died, he's been alone. As a social fish, I worry about him, so I've been thinking about getting him a few tank mates. I'm trying to be careful, one...