male female

  1. J

    Male or Female Dwarf Gouramis?

    After some advice on the sex of my Gouramis please
  2. Chelipe831

    What is the gender of my Dalmatian lyre tail balloon molly?

    So I have a 20 gallon tank I will be putting a new Dalmatian Molly into but was wondering what is the gender of the fish?
  3. jecolaco

    What Is The Gender Of My Palm Squirrel?

    Hi, I would like to know the gender of my palm squirrel.     Thanks, edmond
  4. arunthelegend

    Sex Identification Of Oscar

    Hello fish-lovers,   I have a pair of Oscar which is two years old. I'm not able to identify the sex of the fish. I have seperated the fish in the same tank by a glass partition. When i allow them to be in one tank they're fighting like hell, which is difficult to control. Can anyone suggest me...