low ph

  1. lynhagan

    Sick betta advice needed

    I bought a betta two weeks ago and put in a 10 gallon fluval flex 34 l (filled to 30l with a filter sponge) tank that I had cycled with Seachem stability and Dennerle. He was very small, a bit pale and I put a few plants and a catappa leaf in there with Seachem monitoring system. HIs dorsal fin...
  2. KatNor21

    I still don't understand pH

    My pH in every tank I have is low and I don't know how to raise it or if I need to. Seems most fish like a pH of 7ish, but my tanks are always around 6. My 30 gallon might even be below 6, the test strip is really yellow. I have honey gourami and neon tetras and loaches in that tank, so I don't...
  3. S

    Mystery snail shells degrading

    I have some mystery snails where the shells are dissolving into the water from what I can tell it is most apparent on my white one (attached photos). Does anyone know the fastest way to help the snails regain their shells? The tank they are currently housed in is planted, there are 4 mystery...
  4. TheRisingPhoenix

    Bacterial growth on fish eyes HELP DIAGNOSE!!!

    Hello everyone, I am new to this forum but not at all new to fish forums in general. I am an experienced freshwater tropical (mostly SA Cichlids) fish and reptile enthusiast. I am having issues in my 72 bowfront planted South American Cichlid community. I dose DIY Co2 (Citric acid/Baking...
  5. C

    Buffer Ph Or Acclimate New Fish Slowly?

    My tap water is medium on the hardness scale, and the pH is naturally around 7.7 or so.   I would like to start a tank for South American fish that need lower pH and soft-medium water. In researching the topic I seem to be getting mixed opinions on whether to adjust the hardness and pH to better...