
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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  1. S

    Advice please? Newbie here

    Hi new member here. I recently got gifted a 24litres tank with the size of 40cm length, 25.5cm width and 28cm height. I want to get a butterfly Betta, and one nerite snail, I want to get two kuhli loaches is it possible? I just love their look. Please be kind it’s my first time getting a...
  2. Circus

    Mussel Identification

    Long time no see! I found an unknown mussel on a driftwood piece that hasn't moved in over 2 years, until today. Background on tank(s). I was tearing down my 20g long and transferring all of my livestock, plants, and decorations into my 29 gallon. The 20g was in rough shape and kinda...
  3. Hmarie37

    Showing off my tanks!

    I just am loving my fish babies so much lately and can’t take enough pictures of them and wanted to share them somewhere! Please don’t judge my browning plants, I’m still learning 😂 I hope you all enjoy my babies as much as I do🥰
  4. Space Ninja

    Dojo Loach

    And this is my Dojo Loach, Noodle. I think he must be fully blind as he sails around the tank with no clear objective. He has no problem at all finding food and is very active and curious.
  5. F

    Zebra loaches and amano shrimp? Algae eater suggestions

    Hi, I’m looking for advice as I’m struggling with hair algae in my tank (100cm x 40cm x 50cm) approx 160L/40G. So I’m considering amano shrimp but concerned about my zebra loaches. Plants: I’ve attached a photo so you can see the plants I have and the type of algae growing, it’s mainly the...
  6. F

    42 gallon stock help / zebra loach advice

    I’d like help stocking my tank as I’ve heard mixed things online and in pet stores about zebra loaches and a healthy bioload for my tank. I have a 160L / 42 US gallon tank measuring 100cm in length, 50cm high and 40cm wide with plants and driftwood. I have about 20 male guppies in with one...
  7. Geordie Paul

    Kuhli Loach identification

    Does anyone know what type of Kuhli Loach this guy is? He's always just had a blue/grey body with no stripes. I've had him for over a year now and still unsure. He's very healthy and comes out to eat every day. Any thoughts?
  8. Juliak

    Ich Medication safe for peacock eel and kuhli loaches

    Hi, I have a 55 gallon planted aquarium that has been set up for about two years now, I recently bought new kuhli loaches for my LFS and unfortunately didn't quarantine them.??‍♀️ I now have ich and it is starting to spread among my other fish... here is my stocking: 55 gallon planted: 3...
  9. R

    Kuhli loach help

    Hi I just noticed this on my kuhli loach today is this something to worry about ?? None of my others have it and I’ve never seen this before on them...sorry if I’m being stupid and it’s nothing to worry about. Water parameters are all fine fish are healthy just this is a new thing that has happened
  10. MagicGirl33

    What Loach Should I get for my Tank?

    I really want a loach too! Keep in mind I organised these polls to fit almost all the other fish I want to get so the water parameters are taken care of. also please pick 2 because loaches are one of my favourite types of fish!
  11. P

    Ich, Tail Rot and water changes

    Hi, I'm new to the hobby. I currently have living in my 20 gallon hexagaon tank: 3 gourami, 2 zebra loaches, 2 guppies, 5 tetras, 1 snail, maybe 2 shrimp but they're hard to find. So I have Ich in my tank and it's on everyone except the loaches. One of the guppies presented with tail rot today...
  12. Jennifer Gonzales

    Help! I’m moving LONG DISTANCE

    Hello all, I’m not a very experienced fish keeper... that being said, we are getting ready to move 10 hours away. I have a 40 gallon tank with 10 guppies, 3 mollies, 4 dojo loaches, 1 pleco, and a bunch of snails, as well as a 5 gallon fry tank with somewhere around 30-40 guppy fry. Re-homing...
  13. primsloaches16


    Here is my most PRECIOUS BABY, MID MACH-7 ZOOM.
  14. Pugsnstuf

    A loach that has interested me.

    Has anyone ever heard of the Barracuda Diabolica? I’m just asking to see if you would keep this loach in your tank.
  15. E

    Feeding Panda Loaches

    Hi all, We've recently aquired some wonderful looking Panda loaches, 6 in total. They're in with some guppies, rainbow fish and glass catfish. When it comes to feeding them, we're researched what to feed however we're having the problem of the other fish gobbling everything up before it settles...
  16. Barry Tetra

    Kuhli loaches questions

    Hello, here’s the questions; 1. What’s the difference between Pangio myersi, Pangio kuhlii, Pangio semicincta and Pangio cuneovirgata 2. What type is my loach? 3. How low can pH be? My pH in kuhli tank is 4.0 4. I put too much Indian Almond leaves in the tank. Now I cant even see anything, is it...
  17. J

    Question about Betta fish

    Hi have a betta fish and a few khuli loaches in an aquarium at home. I heard it would be best if I fed the loaches at night with the lights off because they are most active at night plus my betta would eat most of their sinking pellets before they do if i fed during the day. However, if i did...
  18. T

    Is this normal black kuhli loach behavior??

    Hello! I recently bought a black kuhli loach for the first time to pair with my small school of guppies in a 10 gal. He's currently in an empty “quarantine” tank with the other new guppies I bought with him. Anyway, he’s only been in there a few hours, but he’s been spazzing out like the devil...
  19. Barry Tetra

    The best filter for pleco tank

    Hello, my 55 gallons tank have 3 common pleco, 1 L001 pleco, 2 black ghost knifefish ,chinese algae eater, 2 burmese border loach , 1 clown knifefish and clown loach What filter should i use? Even the power filter cant handle that much poop in the tank. NO Substrate
  20. B

    How big is your Golden Dojo Loach?

    I’ve read that golden weather(dojo) loaches grow quickly in their first years of life. I’ve had mine in a 75 gallon since May and he’s(I think it’s a male) grown 5 inches in the past six months! The “max” length on them is 6”, yet mine is nearly 8” now. I don’t really want to get a 125 gallon...
  21. Jan Cavalieri

    Happy Thanksgiving from my Reticulated Hillstream Loach and I

    Do to family complications my little family celebrated Thanksgiving today (actually Friday), just cooking our favorite dishes. After dinner I went back to my study and found myself looking at the underside of a Reticulated Hillstream Loach and I realized that they look just like a cooked...
  22. M

    Golden zebra loach with red sore!!!

    Hi, I have 2 juvenile golden zebra loaches, 3 guppies, 2 shrimp, and 1 nerite snail...checked my water parameters last night and everything was fine..0 nitrates, pH 6.8, temp 74, and now this morning one of the zebra loaches has a red sore on his side with some rapid breathing, I got this loach...
  23. Aynia

    Fairly new and full of questions

    Hi all, my name is Aynia. I've already posted a few threads on the forum and realized that I never did an introduction post. About me: I'm from Ontario, I love anything geeky/nerdy, anything artsy or crafty and I absolutely love animals. I'm a bit of a crazy cat lady but have recently really...
  24. Verminator89

    Dwarf Chain Loach

    Livestock: Dwarf Chain Loach Quantity: 10 Reason for sale: Too small to go into my upgraded 7x2x2 with the newer bigger cichlids inhabiting. Location: Coventry, West Midlands Collection ONLY. I will not be faffing about with posting i'm afraid. Price £50 for the group. Reasonably priced I'd say...
  25. L

    YoYo loach - upside down and about to die?

    I have three YoYo loach but one of them seems in a really bad way. They have been in the tank for about 1.5 years. Yesterday had a 30% water change and another 25% change today, yet this doesn’t seem to have helped. This loach is laying on its side, sometimes upside down, driving itself into the...
  26. M

    White Spot or Sporozoran?

    I need a few opinions and some advice! I have two loaches (Nimrod who, despite his name, is very loved and probably my favorite, and Priz). I had them for about three weeks in my planted tank when I noticed white spots form on their fins and sides. Originally I thought it was Ich (even as a...
  27. SteakNShrimp

    Zebra Loaches Fighting?

    So I have 4 Zebra Loaches in my 55g tank and they all seemed really happy 1st week or two. Recently, for a couple of days now, I haven’t been able to find one of them even when feeding. Also two of the three that I do see everyday are fighting...they have just started doing this about the same...
  28. N

    African Clawed frog tank mates?

    hey all! I’m relatively new to fish keeping, just under a year now of experience. I currently have a 75 gallon aquarium with an aqua clear 110 an aquaclear 70, and a bubbler. It’s currently housing my 3 adult dojo loaches (not quite full grown but decently sized) 3 Yoyo loaches (medium ish...
  29. B

    Skunk loach...

    I hope I picked the right thread for this, anyways... I have one skunk loach and he is SO aggressive, I was thinking about giving him away but that doesn’t sit right with me. I’m wondering if I can put 4 of them in a 20 gallon tank, if not, can I keep 3 with them being satisfied with the size of...
  30. A

    Cleanup Crew Not Eating Algae

    I have a fishtank with a big algae issue on my my anubias and the tank has 1 betta, 4 male guppies, 1 male endlers guppy, 8 neon tetras. The plants are anubias, vallisneria, and Amazon sword. The cleanup crew is 3 amano shrimp, 2 shrimp(sold as amano but arent), common pleco, yoyo loaches(I...
  31. mbbowman

    Returning to the Fish World

    Hi! I was a member here long ago, back when I had a lovely 38 gallon plantic tank with my favorite Botia kubotai and tiger barbs. Between two moves and building a house, my tank has set empty for probably 6 or so years. We finally finishing our basement, and now my eyes are set towards a new...
  32. T

    established aquarium problems?

    hello all, I have been having a problem with very high ammonia all the time in the 8ppm range. i have done 50% water changes every other day for 2 weeks and I cannot get the levels to get past about 6ppm. I don't have any dying plants or fish. fish are acting normal and plants are thriving. i...
  33. A

    Stocking query

    Hi all, I am soon to take back my Chinese Algae Eater (Sucking Loach), he's pretty docile for one of them, doesn't go for other fish just warns them off if they get near his area. He's about 4 years old now. Anyway I'm waiting for a new tank to arrive - 230 litres (~60 gallons) and he will be...
  34. TyTheHistoryGuy

    Java Loach is Impossibly Hardy?

    Okay, so I have had a Java Loach for the past 8 years, and he is somehow still alive. I can say for a fact he has had more life threating situations thrown at him than I ever thought possible, and I wish to know why. Are Java Loachs just that hardy? To start with, my parents bought him for me...
  35. nixie_myth

    Burmese border loach

    deleted post
  36. RRaquariums

    73 gallon Vietnamese hillstream tank

    Posted this in members aquariums and pics on accident instead of in here. Just a heads up it's a long post. You have been warned. It's been a while since I last posted on here or even got on at all let alone started a new fish tank. Been about 1 1/2 years since I last posted and in that time...
  37. simonero

    Golden Dojo.. Please help with conflicting care information

    Hi! I recently bought 2 juvenile golden dojo loaches. I'd identified them as tank-compatible in the past, but hadn't done much recent research and had to decide about the purchase on the spot. Now, for 2 things in particular, the internet seems to contain contradictory and even opposite...
  38. S

    New To The Hobby, Fish Are Dying

    Hi everyone, so I am new to the hobby of keeping fish, and also new to this forum (I hope I'm posting this in the right topic) So we've had fish since somewhere in September 2015. We bought a 17-litre tank (4 gallon) and 12 fish. What we got: 3 livebearers, platy's to be exact, one of them a red...
  39. MylesVinno

    Sale Price Of A Clown Loach?

    Hi everyone,   I have two clown loaches, one 10cm and one 8cm. I am going to sell most of the fish in my tank and start afresh but I am unsure of what I should sell the loaches for. Does anyone know an accurate price that I could sell them for?   Thanks
  40. simonero

    Appropriate Ich Meds/tx For Sensitive Tank

    Hi all,   My BGK has some nasty ich that went undetected for who-knows-how-long because I cannot see it when he is in his favorite spot or eating.  I'm guessing that the higher activity level preceding my noticing it is not a good sign.  In this freshwater tank I also have a tiny loach, apple...