live bearer

  1. C


    Hello I’ve got a 60 gal planted tank setup with 5 cherry barbs, 2 mollies, and 4 platies. I’m wanting to make this a livebearer tank with all the works swordtails, mollies, plates etc. and I was wondering what a comfortable amount of fish a 60 can hold for livebearer types?
  2. Anubias Banana

    Endler came with white something on tail, should I worry?

    Key information: white -something, looks like a ! came from the LFS like this yesterday, must have had whatever it is when in the fish shop no change in 24 hrs I didn't pick the fish out individually the guy just scooped a random 5 out of a tank of lots of them If there were others in the tank...
  3. GothFishKeeper

    Is my fish sick or just pregnant?

    I recently donated all of the juvenile mollies in my tank to the LFS I work at, and now that there’s more room in the tank my mollies have been “doing it” nonstop. Yesterday I noticed that my black molly’s belly was a bit bigger and more squared off, but now I’m concerned. She’s removing herself...
  4. GothFishKeeper

    My fish just got fed A LOT of peas

    Okay so I originally thought my platy was pregnant, but it’s been well over a month since she’s been so big so I’m pretty sure she has bloat. I heard that feeding fish peas would help bloat, so I thawed a handful of frozen peas in water and dropped a few in. Then I went out for a couple hours...
  5. GothFishKeeper

    Molly Sex Change??

    Hey guys! So I’m a bit concerned/confused about my gold nugget molly named July. I got her about 6 weeks ago, and then about a week later I got a male Lyretail molly (named Ember). July was most definitely a female up until today, as you can see from the first picture of her. Ember definitely...
  6. atarah

    Pregnant guppies and breeding boxes questions

    Hi! I am new to the forum and fairly new to the hobby. I have separated one of my female guppies in a breeder box because she looks boxier than yesterday and I think she might be close to giving birth. This is the first time I separate one. I got my guppies (1 male and 5 females) two weeks ago...
  7. C

    What should I put in my 10 gallon tank?

    hey guys :) I have just bought a 10 gallon tank after my betta died and I wanted to try something new. I'm looking for suggestions on how to stock it. At the minute I'm thinking about livebearers although I would only get males because I'm not wanting fry. Guppies? Platies? Mollies? Endlers...
  8. W

    My black mollies are sick

    Hi everyone! This is my first post here, thank you for reading. My black mollies seem to be having an ongoing health problem. I received a 64 liter (17 gallon) fish tank, it has been running for a couple of years. It was stocked with a black molly colony, a Chinese algae eater, a pair of yoyo...
  9. J

    Is my Balloon Molly Pregnant or just big?

    Hey everyone, I’ve had this balloon Molly since she was born, she was the fry of a previous generation of fish I had. She has siblings that are much younger than her, you can see one in one of the images. She sleeps at the bottom of the tank with her stomach fully on the ground, and quite often...
  10. C

    Pregnant Balloon Molly

    I recently purchased a ballon molly “first time owning one” and I know their naturally big but is it possible she’s pregnant ? She seemed distant from my other fish and eats a lot I just want to make sure I’m prepared if so
  11. C

    Pregnant Guppy

    Ok so I’ve recently purchased a smaller tank for birthing, and I was wondering if it was a smart idea to place my obviously pregnant guppy in there ? And also does she look close to giving birth? I can see the fry eyes
  12. C

    Pregnant Platy

    I’ve recently purchased another female for my platy tank, and she’s very pregnant and the Gravid spot is extremely dark, any guess on when she will have them ?
  13. L

    Mystery Guppy Death

    Help! I’ve been keeping fish for years. Had a break from the hobby for a few years when we moved home. Set up a new aquarium details below. It’s cycled for 3 weeks and then added a group of male and female guppies from local store. All was well for about three days and the we began observing the...
  14. O

    Pregnant, Fat or Sick? Please help!

    Hi Everyone, I have a very pregnant looking platy, but am not sure if she is pregnant or just chubby. We feed them twice a day and she is always the first to suck up flakes. This week she started hiding behind the rock shelter with her tank mate. Anyone out there know if she could be pregnant? I...
  15. S

    Platy looks a bit boxy

    My platy looks a bit boxy and i would like some confirmation from someone who knows what they're doing
  16. Selby

    First forum post

    So, this is my first time ever using a forum, I did join to ask a couple questions about my girlfriends pregnant guppy which I had to foster due to her tank getting cracked, but a couple minutes after creating the account she started to pop out her babies. I've haven't kept guppies for a long...
  17. S

    Why is my male platy aggressiveley chasing my female

    My male platy has been chasing my female around agressiveley and id like to know why
  18. S

    Pregnant platy cloacas open?

    Both of my pregnant platys seem yo have an open cloaca and im a bit worried
  19. S

    Platys might be pregnant

    I think my platys might be pregnant if so how soon are they due. Im new to this and i would really love some help I did my best with the pics and Thier gravid spots look alot bigger in person
  20. D

    Help! Unidentified disease on guppy

    Hello! I got a few guppies from my local fish store a few days ago and had to add them to my main fish tank without quarantining them because I can't afford a quarantine tank. Sure enough...just a few days after one of the guppies quickly developed this odd disease and symptoms. The back half of...
  21. skemp96

    Platy not swimming?!

    So around 2 weeks ago I added 4 platys to my 180L tank (which already had 6 zebra danios in). 3 of the 4 platy's are absolutely fine and swim around happily all day long, however one of them literally just sits in the top corner of the tank all day long and very rarely moves, unless when...
  22. C

    Confusion, is my swordtail a swordtail and is it male or female?

    Hi All, I’m new to this so go easy on me! Last week I bought 3 female swordtails to go with my current male swordtail. Unfortunately 2 died and this is the last one however I am super confused. It has a gonopodium, suggesting it is a male however it doesn’t have a long sword. It’s rather large...
  23. O

    Guppy suddenly fat with stringy white poop

    hi all, i need some help with my female guppy. I’ve had the 3 of them for almost a year now and my one orange guppy has suddenly gotten fat and started having stringy poops. I thought I was over feeding so I cut down on the amount I was giving them but she didn’t lose weight. this started a few...
  24. V


    So I have a rescue guppy female I saved. She was so thin and beaten I really thought she would never be all the way back to have any drops. I have three male “Endler” guppies I’m sure they are hybridized not pure blood lines. So nature have run it’s course and I have 7-10 fry!!! How long before...
  25. T

    Is my Balloon Molly pregnant?

    We have noticed the black spot on her belly which also looks a bit boxed-shaped (usually signs of pregnancy). She has been a bit aggressive with the other fish but staying particularly close to one of the other balloon mollies pretty much all the time. She has been staying close to the heater...
  26. Newsmalltank

    Are my newborn fry dead

    I am really worried that all my new fry may have died when they hit the bottom of my tank. So, a couple of weeks ago, I bought two female guppies but never noticed one was pregnant. I put them both in my community tank. But two days ago, I noticed one of them was huge. I moved the pregnant...
  27. Jennifer Gonzales

    Dropping fry then getting ich??

    Hi all! I have a 40gal tank with 2 adult platies 1 juvenile platy 8 adult guppies, and until today 12 guppy fry. (Set up a 10 gal tank and transferred my fry to it today, they were born 11/23, for reference sake) I do not know specific parameters but I do water changes every 1-2weeks and have...
  28. D

    Is my guppy pregnant or not?

    I recently got a guppy, and today while watching her I noticed she has a decent sized, dark gravid spot. I know that females can have gravid spots without being pregnant, but this one seems a little large to me. I’m still new to keeping fish and I have never dealt with a pregnant fish so I...
  29. N

    My Molly is very pregnant but hasn't given birth, is there any way to induce labor?

    my molly has not given birth yet but she has the gravid spot and has boxed out, sh has nesting habits, and gets the shakes, yet still no fry. I'm worried something may be wrong. Is there any way to induce labor?
  30. A

    Is this female pregnant

    Hello I would like to know if this guppy female is pregnant. As it would be my first fry.
  31. K

    Deformity in my guppy?

    Okay so a couple months ago my fish gave me a new batch of fry but one of them still had an egg attached. I thought it was going to die soon anyways so I just let it be but it's 4 months old now and she's still very much alive. So it doesn't seem to bother her but it also has more fins growing...
  32. L

    How Many Mollies?

    I have heard many, many different things when doing research on Molly fish. I am interested in having mollies in my 20H gallon tank. How many can I fit? I just want as many opinions as I can get. Any info will be greatly appreciated! If it makes a difference, my tank is 24 inches left to right...
  33. R


    i have a 20 gallon tank with 7 Mollies - 1 male, 4 female, 2 babies. I have been trying for a long time to get my tank up to a better condition. For the last month or so. One of my Mollies, Ryder, has been having patches of raised scales in certain places. At first the fish store said it was...
  34. BettaPonic

    38 gallon setup.

    This tank is about a week old. I took the amazon sword from another tank. I added a few female Guppies from the same tank along with some assassin snails. I am hoping for the plants to grow in more. I am going to let the Guppies populate the tank. I thought I would share.
  35. BettaPonic

    poecilia obscura?

    I was reading up on this fish and it seems that it is just a guppy? Am I missing something? Would they hybridized with Guppies? Any help is appreciated, thank you in advance.
  36. BettaPonic

    My Livebearers.

    I keep Least Killifish and Guppies. I thought I would show them off. The little tank is storage until I build a second colony.
  37. BettaPonic

    Saltwater Guppies.

    I am experimenting on saltwater Guppies and I thought I would show them off while I work with them.
  38. BettaPonic

    Bog Filter

    Just wanted to show off my bog filter. The tree looking plants are red mangroves. I also have dumbcane, Pothos, Chinese evergreen, and peace lilies.
  39. C

    Pregnant Guppy with scales sticking out?

    Hey guys, So I have three pregnant guppies, and one of them is a very pale, irridescent yellow, and so her gravid spot isn't really grey or black, it's more like a translucent peachy colour. She was slowly getting bigger and bigger until one morning I wake up, and she's huge! So now the scales...
  40. BettaPonic


    Can I raise Gammarus or some other live food off the back of a ten gallon in a 3 gallon container? They would be food for Guppies, Least Killifish, and maybe a Betta.