lighting hood

  1. Tool13x

    Newbie looking for plant suggestions

    Hello, I have a 55g tank setup with Rosy Barbs, a Bristle nose pleco, a Bolivian Ram and Cory cats on a sand substrate. I have been wanting to do some live plants and I really dont know where to begin. All I have for lighting is the the (2) 18" T8 Aqueon full spectrum bulbs that came with the...
  2. S

    Lighting My 55 Gallon African Cichlid Tank

    I currently have a 55 gallon African cichlid tank and i am looking to get new bulbs for them. I don't know what I currently have in them. Unfortunately, they only hold a single florescent tube. At the moment I don't want to upgrade, so what would be the best bulb to replace the current ones with...