led replacement

  1. H

    Can you use a Smaller Light Fixture?

    Currently have a 5 Foot Tank, with 2 24" Light Bulbs. They are in need for replacing, they are your standard T8 Fluorescent Bulbs. It will run me about $50 to replace both, but trying to go away from them. A neighbor is taking apart his set up and said he could sell me his ZooMed AquaSen LED...
  2. johnhutch2000

    Juwel Rio 180 Blown Lighting Unit - Led Replacement?

    Hiya folks, I'm looking for some opinions, advice on replacing my Juwel 180 92cm T8 bulb lid lights. They've literally died on me today. I've tried new spare bulbs, fuses and the switch and nothing. So I want to change up to something better.   Has anyone got any good LED or T5 replacement...