leaf litter

  1. Guyb93

    Are these safe to use

    Just collected these , not sure what tree they are from possibly maple I don’t know lol assuming they are from a pest free place and will be cleaned are these leaves ok to use in a tank ?
  2. Guyb93

    Question about leaf litter

    Iv been thinking for a while that my sand looks too clean looking and would love to add some leaf litter But I’m not going to pay money for dead leaf and twigs can I literally sweep up some crap from my yard and dump it in my tank ? Or is there certain leaves and twigs that are just too risky...
  3. RSVBiffer

    My Take On An Amazonian Floodplain Lake

    A newbie to the site and was told that I had to start a journal so here goes... A bit of background, I kept marines for the best part of 30 years but a few years back my interest waned and rather than watch the system deteriorate I decide to move the it on. Recently the spark reignited and I...