lava rock

  1. Duckquarium

    Very bare 10g for male betta

    I feel like this tank is wicked bare, should I stick some gravel in there??? I don’t mind the soil personally I wanna see where the carpet heads off to. I don’t have a lot of experience with growing aquarium plants so I honestly have no idea what it’ll look like I just put stuff wherever I...
  2. dmpfishlover

    Kuhli Loach and Hardscape

    Hi all, I am new to Fishforums... I am not new to the Hobby, but it has been several years since I have kept fish. I recently bought a 55 gallon tank and I plan to set it up as a freshwater community tank. I have everything I need to set it up and will be in the next week or so. One fish that...
  3. Aynia

    Ph dropping significantly

    Hey all, We're beginning to run into a new problem. Over the past several weeks our ph has been slowly dropping, to where now it's about 6.8. A few weeks ago it was holding steady at about 7.6-7.8. I know that our fish prefer the lower ph so it isn't an issue at the moment, but we don't know...
  4. dhartIndy

    55 Gallon Aquascape

    Upgrading from a 20 gallon long to a 55 gallon tank. Hardscape: lava rock supported by plastic and slate substrate supports. Malaysian driftwood. CaribSea supernatural sand. Substrate: thin layer of flourite beneath a 1 inch layer of floramax. Additives: ADA bacter 100 and tourmaline bc Plants...