
  1. V

    Something is on my Betta's head

    Hello! About a month ago, I got a beautiful blue crowntail betta from a Pet Supplies Plus. He didn't seem to have anything wrong with him until I saw something white sticking out of the right side of his head. He still swims and eats fine, though. It has been there for about a week now, and I...
  2. V

    My Dwarf Gourami is acting strange

    So, I have Dwarf Gourami that I've owned for a few months now, and as the title says, is acting strange. He sometimes lays on the bottom of the tank, but when I walk over to check on him, he'll get up like nothing is wrong. Also, he won't eat, and he has a white splotch on top of his head above...
  3. Tyler_Fishman

    New Betta

    got this new Betta at Petco, nothing really stands out much about her expect how her tail has threads like a crown tail on it, they are very small however. She is quite a young fish about 4 or 5 months old so it is to be detrimend on if she is a true veil tail, which I think she is. Haven't...
  4. C

    Betta Exposed To Melafix

    Hi Everyone!   I have two tanks: a divided 5.5gal with two male bettas and a 20gal community tank with a female betta. About a month ago I treated both tanks with Melafix. I noticed my bettas becoming more lethargic, so I researched "bettas and Melafix" and sure enough I found information saying...