kuhli loaches

  1. S

    Which pangio species is this???

  2. ella777

    Kuhli Loaches?

    How many kuhli loaches should I get? I only have one currently, I was thinking 5 more? I'm pretty sure mine is a male, I dont want any babies. Should I get more males or will that cause fights? Can I get females and have no babies?
  3. M

    Worried about Overcrowding and Algae Problems

    I have a planted 10 gallon tank with a betta and three kuhli loaches. The tank is in a sunny spot and green and brown algae is growing rapidly on all surfaces (even the leaves of my plants!) I want to get something to eat the algae, but I'm worried it would overcrowd the tank. I was thinking of...
  4. Killerbro511

    I cant find my kuhlis

    So i set up a 60 litres or about 15 gallons tank around June last year and with the stocking i decided to add 2 kuhli loaches. However for the past 3 months there has been no sight of them. They couldn't of jumped out as there is a secure lid and there is no sign of there being any digging. My...
  5. K

    Sick Neon Tetra! I’m a beginner and I need advice

    I had 7 neon Tetras for about a month. About a week ago one passed very suddenly. He was fine till an hour before and his only issue was swimming weird. Now another is sick and I can’t figure out what it is. It’s only swimming strange and it’s eyes seem bigger then the others, so maybe popeye...
  6. A

    very new and very confused, please help!

    i recently got my first betta fish as well as 3 kuhli loaches. the workers at the aquarium shop i purchased them from explained that it was best to acclimate them at the same time to avoid my betta from becoming territorial. when i was first observing my betta at the shop his top fin looked a...
  7. dmpfishlover

    Kuhli Loach and Hardscape

    Hi all, I am new to Fishforums... I am not new to the Hobby, but it has been several years since I have kept fish. I recently bought a 55 gallon tank and I plan to set it up as a freshwater community tank. I have everything I need to set it up and will be in the next week or so. One fish that...
  8. Barry Tetra

    Kuhli loaches questions

    Hello, here’s the questions; 1. What’s the difference between Pangio myersi, Pangio kuhlii, Pangio semicincta and Pangio cuneovirgata 2. What type is my loach? 3. How low can pH be? My pH in kuhli tank is 4.0 4. I put too much Indian Almond leaves in the tank. Now I cant even see anything, is it...
  9. heymissmiles

    Trouble getting food to Kuhli Loaches

    Good evening! I wanted some advice relating to my 4 Kuhli loaches. I've got a 40 gallon breeder stocked with the 4 loaches, 20 cherry barbs and a King Betta. I am having a VERY hard time getting food down to the Kuhlis. The barbs are so fast that they eat any frozen foods or flakes before it...
  10. Barry Tetra

    How to breed kuhli loaches

    Are breeding kuhli in aquarium possible? And if possible how to do it?
  11. SRbettas

    Stocking and tankmates for betta

    Hi, Ive recently moved my sorority of three and my trio of kuhli loaches to a 15 gallon tank (57 litres). I was wondering what other fish i could have in the tank preferably something not red or white as tyat is thd colour of my bettas and i want all my fish to stand out. Would Endlers...
  12. P

    Kuhli Loaches Circling The Glass... Please Help

    I Have a 30G tank with 6 Cories, 1 rubber lip Pleco, 2 African dwarf frogs and 2 black kuhli loaches, I recently added 2 more black kuhli loaches and, the last two I added, hid for about 5 minutes then started turning circles on the front of the glass, I figured it was just from the new...