kuhli loach

  1. KuhlKuhli

    Complete Aquarium Set - Aqua One Aquasys 230 - [Basingstoke, UK]

    Age and Condition: All items are 3 years old and in good condition. Quantity for Sale: One complete aquarium set, including equipment, scaping materials, and livestock. Reason for Sale: Making space in the house and no longer have the time to maintain the setup. Delivery or Collection...
  2. kpewv

    my 20g community

    hi there! this is my journal for my 20g planted community. it is VERY stocked but rest assured i do regular water changes and have been keeping fish a while. images are of the whole tank and my baby betta boy courtney!! stocking: the beastie boys (sailfin molly trio) reo speedwagon (5 pygmy...
  3. N

    Female betta tankmates

    I have a 30 gallon tank with 12 celestial pearl danios, 12 harlequin rasboras and 6 kuhli loaches, can I add a female betta? I understand that CPD are very shy fish and I don't want to stress them out by the betta being there. I also don't want the betta to be stressed by all the small fish...
  4. ella777

    Kuhli Loaches?

    How many kuhli loaches should I get? I only have one currently, I was thinking 5 more? I'm pretty sure mine is a male, I dont want any babies. Should I get more males or will that cause fights? Can I get females and have no babies?
  5. P

    Kuhli loach with hole in gills help

    One of my kuhli loaches is sick and I genuinely have no idea what's wrong. This is my first tank I'm running by myself, he's only been in there a week, and any help you can give on whats wrong and how to help would be greatly appreciated. This started 1-2 days ago but the hole is very recent...
  6. M

    Free cardinal, rummy nose tetras + plants due to country move

    Hi all, I live in central/north London and have a planted 180L tank with various freshwater fish, all bought around 6-12 month ago. Due to moving country, I will not be able to take the fish or plants with me unfortunately, so I'm looking for a new home for them. Ideally, you would be...
  7. Madisonkeug

    Rescue fish

    Hi guys, so I was given a bunch of fish from a local business who could no longer care for their fish. I’m new to owning fish and I’m not sure if I’m doing everything I can to care for these guys and I need help. Biggest question is the tank over stocked? 1x Bronze Cory (swimming around glass...
  8. Geordie Paul

    Kuhli Loach identification

    Does anyone know what type of Kuhli Loach this guy is? He's always just had a blue/grey body with no stripes. I've had him for over a year now and still unsure. He's very healthy and comes out to eat every day. Any thoughts?
  9. shaziasadiqah

    Are they Khuli Loach or Black Khuli?

    I bought these 6 kuhli loach online and i’m positive when i make my order it is a kuhli loach picture i’m looking at, but then when they arrived it appears to be they are not kuhli loach but instead Black kuhli. They are dark red-ish color without any stripes, the more slender and longer ones...
  10. eatyourpeas

    Dear Diary...

    It all started with a shrimp I needed as a model to draw from. Then the shrimp needed friends. But there was also this snail... Then I learned that the 1.5 gal. flower vase was too small. Then I learned that I needed a heater, and plants. Then my plant grew, and grew, and grew... so I got...
  11. K

    Sick Neon Tetra! I’m a beginner and I need advice

    I had 7 neon Tetras for about a month. About a week ago one passed very suddenly. He was fine till an hour before and his only issue was swimming weird. Now another is sick and I can’t figure out what it is. It’s only swimming strange and it’s eyes seem bigger then the others, so maybe popeye...
  12. Barry Tetra

    Is this overstocked, if not can I add some kuhli loach in?

    Hi me again, this is my 20 Gal tank with 20 neon tetras, 5 cherry barbs and 6 lemon tetras Can I move 27 kuhli loaches (from my 5 gal tank) to this tank? also any plants recommended? @AilyNC @NCaquatics @AdoraBelle Dearheart Help appreciated
  13. Barry Tetra

    How to breed kuhli loaches?

    I have 27kuhli loaches in 5 gal tank, substrate is Fluval Shrimp soil. Also It’s over stocked because my LFS breed them and give all of them to me because they dont want all of em, soo...uh....I can’t stop myself from that....now they’re all grown up to full size (3.5 inches) any idea how to...
  14. primsloaches16

    Media of my lovelies- Will be Updated!

    Hey y'all! I have so many pics of my babies I want to share, but I felt like I was clogging up my posts with new threads for each time, so this will be a catalog of my pics, and will be updated when I get more! I hope y'all enjoy!
  15. A

    very new and very confused, please help!

    i recently got my first betta fish as well as 3 kuhli loaches. the workers at the aquarium shop i purchased them from explained that it was best to acclimate them at the same time to avoid my betta from becoming territorial. when i was first observing my betta at the shop his top fin looked a...
  16. Z

    Dying rummynose tetras and kuhlis

    I have a cycled 360l aquarium with kuhli loaches, Cosby gouramis, plecos and snails. This Friday I added 20 rummynose tetras. I bought them from my LFS which is highly regarded around here as having good stock and being safe to buy from (and giving good advice etc). Starting yesterday they began...
  17. I

    Kuhli loach white patches

    I noticed some white patches earlier today on one of my kuhli loaches. It definitely isn't ich, but I'm not sure if it's a disease or the Kuhli rubbed against something that scraped him. I looked up the issue earlier and stumbled onto a thread where someone mentioned their kuhli loach had made...
  18. puppyfoxcat

    20 gal long stocking

    I already have 4 kuhli loaches in my 20 gal long tank and I’m going to get at least two more. The tank is moderately planted but I’m going put together more plants this weekend. I would love to add some more fish to the tank, and here’s my idea for when it’s completely stocked: -6 kuhli loaches...
  19. P

    Venomous fish sold to me as Kuhli loach? ID help

    Hi! I got an account to ask for help identifying one of the fish I have which I strongly suspect is not a Kuhli loach and to me most closely resembles a wild caught, venomous Madtom Catfish. I got her about a year ago, before I knew much about Kuhli loaches. She was the only bottom feeder in...
  20. L

    A few questions

    hello I’m relatively new to the hobby of fishkeeping, I’ve had a betta a for a few years (in a 10 gallon) but have finally gotten a 30 gallon that is finally cycled, I had some issues cycling it as my city uses chloramine in the water but it’s there now. I know I’m going to add 3 platies and...
  21. Annemarie

    29 Gallon stocking

    I know I’ve done a few of these regarding fish that would be okay but I’ve finally decided what I really want. I was thinking... 1: Pearl gourami 1: electric blue ram 3: Albino cherry barb 3: Cherry barb 5: Kuhli Loaches 4-5: Emperor tetras 4-5: neon tetras 1: Diamond Head Neon Tetra I...
  22. Annemarie

    29 gallon stocking

    Hi! After a long wait I’ve finally convinced all those I live with to allow me to keep a larger tank. It’s goimg to be a 29 long and I was going to take a look at filters later depending on how the stocking idea proceeds. I’ll have smooth pebble substrate for the loach (mentioned later) and I...
  23. C

    Dwarf frogs

    i currently have a 55gal freshwater set up with a few plants, 2 Bala Sharks, 2 mystery snails, 3 Kuhli Loaches, and a one eyed dwarf flame gourami. I recently added an ADF to my sons 10gal and I’m just loving him! Wondering if adding a couple to my 55 gal would be a good idea?
  24. K

    Problem with Kuhli loach quarantine

    I bought 4 tiny kuhli loaches today to add to the 6 I already had. When i say tiny i mean TINY—maybe 3/4 inch long and a millimeter or 2 thick and i have a marineland 5 gallon that i use as a quarantine. It has a back panel to hide the filter with some holes in it that i covered with mesh, BUT...
  25. N

    Platy Disappearance

    Hello everyone, I discovered this site and decided to join, as everyone here seems helpful and friendly. I have a question about a mysterious disappearance. I have a 20 gallon betta community tank. In the tank is a crowntail betta, platies, cory catfish, and kuhli loaches. A few days ago, I...
  26. BelldandyShanny

    Cute Photo Op

    Just happened to notice that one of my kuhlis was chilling out in a large vacant snail shell! and it's pretty cute! best pics I could get...
  27. B

    Kuhli Loach

    I got a new loach 5 days ago .... He didn't go strait away and hide but after about 30 minutes he was hiding and I haven't seen him since can somebody tell me if he is probably dead or if this is normal (i do have a lid on the tank)