
  1. Barry Tetra

    Knifefishes feeding frenzy

    Knifefishes and friends at feeding time (sorry for the bad audio turn your sound down before watching)
  2. Barry Tetra

    Knifefishes feeding time

    All my knifefish love algae wafer especially clown knifefish to the point where they dont eat anything except algae wafer and algae...
  3. Barry Tetra

    Can anyone Identify this knifefish?

    My LFS give this guy to me, can you ID this knifefish? Is this African Knifefish?
  4. simonero

    Trouble Feeding Black Ghost Knifefish... Need Suggestions/tips

    Two days ago I impulsively bought a black ghost knifefish.  I am having some trouble feeding him!  I could really use some situation-specific advice as well as general advice going forward.   I currently (and very temporarily) have him housed in a small tank with a bumblebee goby, catfish (not...