juwel vision

  1. RCA

    ><)))*> Goodbye Juwel Vision, Planted Aquarium Breakdown

    This video shows the breakdown of my Juwel 180 planted aquarium, which was set up almost 3 years to the day. The fish have kindly been taken by a family who have not had an aquarium before, yet are acting as a foster family until I have moved and am in a position for the fish to return...
  2. RCA

    Fry Surprise, Do You Know...?

    I found the following fry in my Juwel Vision 180L! I initially spotted one dart in amongst the Ricca Fluitans so managed to capture it with the force from submerging a jug. Then with much patience, spotted a second. They were moved to the fry tank...then I had isolated a sick lamp eye, and...