juwel 125 rio

  1. S

    Helialux problem - shorting?

    Hi, I just bought a used Helialux LED. I've just discovered that the blue lights work, but only a handful of the white LEDs. Some of the white LEDs flicker which suggests that there could a bad connection in the device. Has anyone experienced the same problem? Any tips on how I might test and...
  2. T

    Juwel Rio125 - Pump removal

    Hi, my parents got a Juwel Rio 125 about 2 months ago, but I do all the maintenance and cleaning, I found that they recommend cleaning the pump once a month but I cant figure out how to remove it from the casing. I saw a video of a guy and it appears he just lifted it out using the plastic tab...
  3. Mizz_MayDK

    My tanks

    Just an overview of my tanks: 360L Akvastabil Mark 2 tank (new tank without any fish yet - planning on having Malawi cichlids in it. 190L Juwel Trigon corner tank. This was the first tank I invested in and I have a mix of Red Juwel and Demasoni cichlids, clown loaches, bronze corys, a couple...
  4. Mizz_MayDK

    Female aquarist in Denmark

    Hi there I'm originally English but I live in Denmark. I'm fairly new to the hobby - and I've gone ALL in ... within 5 months I've gone from 0 to 7 tanks (360L, 250L, 190L, 150L, 125L, 40L, 20L) and I'm planning on a rack system with 3 x 80L ... I have got the rack system and the aquariums, but...