Ok, so I have one 55g freshwater display tank.
Nitrate 20
Nitrite 0
Hardness 150
Chlorine 0
Alkalinity 100
pH 7.2
The above readings have been steady for at least 6 months.
Tank mates are: 2 male guppies, 2 dwarf gourami -1 male 1-female, 4 nerite snails, and 9 Julii corydora catfish.
A few...
What is the water volume of the tank? 10 gallons
How long has the tank been running? 1.5 years
Does it have a filter? Yes
Does it have a heater? Yes
What is the water temperature? 77.4
What is the entire stocking of this tank? (Please list all fish and inverts.) Two cory Julii catfish, two...
Hello all! I’m relatively new to fish keeping but I love it so much! I got some new corys yesterday and I was wondering if anyone could help to identify their sexes if possible!
Here are the two Juliis. I think the one in the back is female and the one in front male? (guessing! lol)
My more reclusive catfish has finally come to the front of the tank with its mates, after two and a half weeks of sulking in the back. Now that it has, I am wondering whether it is actually a Julii....as you can see from the photo I took this afternoon, it does look rather different. Apart from...
I have peppered and Julii corydoras in a 120L tank aswell as a some Rummynose teras. I have recently found some yellow spherical objects which I assume are eggs, the peppered cories eggs. Somehow I'm not sure whether or not these eggs will survive. Any help would be greatly appreciated