
  1. Death by Fish Tanks

    Shelfhollow Crypt Journal

    Specimens bought 3/25/2024, Project Started 7/24/2024 Went through a jararium(Jar Vivarium/Aquarium) phase last year, and this one as my oldest standing project, as well as one of my favorites! Shelfhollow Crypt, named after where it's kept(Shelf) and the pile of logs for shelter half buried in...
  2. Circus

    2.5 Gallon Scud Jar

    I saw a large jar at the grocery store the other day, and impulse bought it. It is roughly 2.5 gallons, and I am going to do a super low tech scud aquarium in it. No heater, no filter. Pictures to follow!
  3. bettaworldforbettas

    Starting Betta Fish Advocacy Project (Betta World For Bettas) -- Seeking like-minded people

    Hello! My name is Ariel and I'm a new member here :) I've started a project called Betta World For Bettas, because I see there's still a lot of misinformation about betta care among consumers and pet chains. I've been working to address these misconceptions through acrylic paintings and social...