
  1. G

    Anyone know what's wrong with my Neon?

    I've attached a link to a YouTube video I filmed of my new Neon. I just got him today as part of an extra group of 4 Neon's I'm adding to my existing 5 Neon's. All the other Neon's are fine but as you can hopefully see in the video, he seems to have problems staying level. When he swims he's...
  2. B

    Can anyone tell me why my gourami is blind?

    About A month ago I noticed my goal gourami swimming into decorations and swimming pass the food I put in the tank. Since then her right eye progressively got cloudier and her left eye has just started to get cloudy. I cleaned the tank daily for a couple of weeks in hopes that it was just an...
  3. ukdamon

    Warning about Fluval 60L 7000K LED

    I recently purchased a 60L Fluval Edge Aquarium with integrated filter and LED lighting. It's a lovely sized tank, but I wanted share a couple of issues with you in case you're thinking of getting one. The LED light is great, and super bright. It does have 3 modes. White, White & Blue and...
  4. E

    Pygmy corydoras with inflated swim bladder

    Hi all I have a pygmy corydoras with an over-inflated swim bladder that it does not appear to be able to release the air from. The fish is still able to swim throughout the water column and feed itself, but it must be causing it discomfort. Can anyone suggest what I can do to help this fish...
  5. P

    Issue with filter?

    I'm not exactly sure where to post this...i have a penn-plax 300 internal filter in my 10 gallon tank. As I was doing a water change and examining the filter for dirtiness, I accidentally let the air muffler of the air tube dip into the water. I dried it off the best I could, even inside the...
  6. O

    Kebensis Has Eye Problem Please Help

    Please can someone help my fish has a lump on its eye it's pink an raised a few mm , looks painful but fish seems to be swimming fine although hiding under bridge which is not like him , I don't want to lose the fish if possible water is fine had it tested at local pet shop , please see attached...