
  1. Death by Fish Tanks

    Zoo Med Creatures Den Low Profile Vivarium Journal

    That was originally going to use it for some sort of small gecko, but decided to use it for an invertebrate ecosystem instead. The apex predator will either be a praying mantis or a jumping spider, whichever I get a hold of first. And more moss because you could *never* have too much moss!
  2. D

    A bunch of weird inverts in my saltwater tank!!!

    I was looking at my tank last night and I noticed a bunch of these “bugs” that look like some sort of isopod or something. Does anyone know if these are harmful or what these are in my tank? If they are harmful to my tank how do I get rid of them? Thanks!
  3. france is pain

    aquatic isopods

    theoretically, could you keep freshwater aquatic isopods in a freshwater community tank?