
  1. GothFishKeeper

    Help me save my Vampire Shrimp!!

    Woke up when the tank light turned on as usual and saw him like this, I thought he was dead at first but he’s not. He’s moving his antenna and his fans but clearly struggling to do so. I think he’s molting but I’ve never actually seen what that looks like, and I assume lying on his side means...
  2. BettaPonic

    38 gallon setup.

    This tank is about a week old. I took the amazon sword from another tank. I added a few female Guppies from the same tank along with some assassin snails. I am hoping for the plants to grow in more. I am going to let the Guppies populate the tank. I thought I would share.
  3. BiggTexx

    Nano Tanks

    I am thinking about starting a custom built nano tank / biotope and this may sound like a weird question, but is what the smallest tank (in gallons or liters) that would be feasible for any type of aquatic life?   For instance, a few inverts or a single Betta? I have never owned a Betta, but...