
  1. Death by Fish Tanks

    Zoo Med Creatures Den Low Profile Vivarium Journal

    That was originally going to use it for some sort of small gecko, but decided to use it for an invertebrate ecosystem instead. The apex predator will either be a praying mantis or a jumping spider, whichever I get a hold of first. And more moss because you could *never* have too much moss!
  2. GothFishKeeper

    Help me save my Vampire Shrimp!!

    Woke up when the tank light turned on as usual and saw him like this, I thought he was dead at first but he’s not. He’s moving his antenna and his fans but clearly struggling to do so. I think he’s molting but I’ve never actually seen what that looks like, and I assume lying on his side means...
  3. T

    Moving soon not sure what to do about my shrimp tank.

    Me and my fiancé are getting a place together (whooo!!! exciting!!) that brings the feared and dreaded event… Tank relocation (dun dun dunnnn), I have a 10 gallon with a betta and 6 ember tetras,and a few hiding baby neos. That should be an easy move since im aware of the number of occupants and...
  4. gilltyascharged

    2.5g Tank and Stocking--Contradicting Online Sources

    So, I recently received, not one, but TWO 2.5g tanks from a friend. I'm real stoked, because the opportunity to create a low-tech planted scape with shrimp has now presented itself :D However, now the issue of stocking has presented itself: what to put in it? I know that one of them I plan on...