
  1. G

    First tank!

    Hi everyone! I am very excited to be part of this group. I started my first tank back in September 2020 and it has been a learning experience to get it up and running. I currently have some mollies, Corys, and red tailed guppy’s. I am hoping to get into some live plants eventually but I don‘t...
  2. Phalloceros


    Hi everyone, I’m a Dutch fish tank keeper, and I currently own two tanks. English is not my mother language so excuse me if I make a mistake. I own a 32 gallon tank with some Cory cats, livebearers, Rineloricaria, and shrimp. I also own a 130 gallon tank with loaches, American cichlids, black...
  3. R

    My name is Ravenes and I’m looking for stocking suggestions

    I have 4 White skirt tetras and a single black and white angelfish was wondering if I could add some color to the bottom of my tank with corys or at least a pair of rams, thanks for reading. My tank is 30 gallon tall. My dimensions should be at least(ballparking it) 24x12x25. I’m from California...
  4. Antoniakr

    Hello Everyone! - I'm New

    Hello everyone, i am new to this forum. i have decided to start using forums as i want to note everything i learn down so i will never forget. And getting help from experienced fish keepers will be fantastic. I am going to start breeding Platys. I still need to buy everything yet but i know...