
  1. Emmalovesfrogs

    Hello everyone! Newbie fishkeeper posting here for the first time! 😁💜

    Hello, I'm Emma. I work in home healthcare and my autistic self is currently hyper fixating on aquaculture as my main hobby. I have one 75 gallon tank. Filtration systems include a top fin pro series 70 and a marineland canister filter. I'm running an aerator system and I have several live...
  2. F


    It all started with a goldfish from a fair my mom insisted on winning. Walking home I tripped and fell and dropped the little carrier case and quickly picked him up from the asphalt and ran to the closest stand with a water bottle filled it up and ran home to drive off to buy a 10gallon kit...
  3. quaintrelle


    I guess I forgot to introduce myself LOL Hi, I'm Eren- as yall may have seen from my first post I'm new to fishkeeping, so uh yeah I'm glad to be here-- I'm still a student as of now. I have a cat (photo attached) and a cockatiel (shown in my pfp) who both surprisingly get along- and I have an...
  4. G

    First tank!

    Hi everyone! I am very excited to be part of this group. I started my first tank back in September 2020 and it has been a learning experience to get it up and running. I currently have some mollies, Corys, and red tailed guppy’s. I am hoping to get into some live plants eventually but I don‘t...
  5. R


    Hello everyone! I'm relatively new to aquariums, I have had fish when I was little, but it was 2 small goldfish in a 10 gallon :(. We did clean the tank and they actually lived for quite a while but always died in two years. Since quarantine began, I been wanting to get a fish and I tried to...
  6. DavidYazel

    New To Tff, Here To Learn How To Stopping Killing Fish

    Hi everyone.  I have been reading forums and talking to fish people a lot in the last year, but I have never joined a fish forum.  I have a long and sad story about my fish attempts, not sure if its worth writing about.  My wife thinks I am obsessed, my daughters think I am basically a sadistic...
  7. K

    Introducing Myself

    Hey there,my name's Kim and I'm new to the aquarium owning thing :) I have 3 comet goldfish, 1 red one named Garfield, 1 white one named Sidney (Sid for short) and 1 red and white one named Sifu. I look forward to meeting everyone and hopefully getting more fish
  8. MarcusShepherd


    Hi everyone,   I am a noob fish breeder and I keep two algae eaters, 10 guppies 3 of them 40 day old fry Also I have 4 zebra danio's all in a 60L tank, On the 21st of September my guppy gave birth to 58 fry and they are in a separate tank don't worry!
  9. KrishSlm


    Hello All,   I am newbie for this forum from India. I love fishkeeping and have Red Kamfa FH. we usually called by his pet name "RIXO". I love to play and spend time with my lovely pet...