intestinal health

  1. C

    White, thick fuzzy poop and bacterial infections in my 90 gallon freshwater community tank

    Hi everyone. Recently, I introduced some new fish after a 2-week quarantine process, which included a quarantine medication trio consisting of Fritz Maracyn, Aquarium Solutions Ich-X, and Fritz ParaCleanse. Upon observing them and making sure they were healthy, I added them to my main tank. (90...
  2. N

    Help with Guppy please!

    Hi all, I’m hoping someone can help me identify what’s going on with my female guppy. This is the second time we’ve seen this sort of poop with her, I’ve read online that it could be a parasite and we have soaked some fish food and garlic today to try to help her. She’s the only one in the tank...
  3. L

    New Mollies With Digestive Problems?

    I've been given 30 mollie fry by a friend to start up my tropical tank. Their tank is well established and healthy as far as I know and in my tank I previously had large goldfish to run a cycle through. All seem well adjusted after 2 weeks, foraging, growing etc however I have noticed their poop...