
  1. S

    What the heck is this fish?

    Hi! I recently started aquarium keeping. I decided to start off bigger. I have a 60 gallon tank that’s slowly getting filled. It currently has male guppies, Kuhli loaches, some baby mollies, and mystery snails. It also has live plants. So I was looking at the tank one day and saw the tiniest...
  2. J

    Betta or Molly

    I bought a couple of these fish a few weeks ago, unfortunately one passed. I'm 100% sure I bought 2 as molly from pets at home. I'm sure this is some kind of betta fish.
  3. M

    Fish identification

    Hello, can anyone help me identify these fishes?
  4. Barry Tetra

    Blue Panchax fries?

    Hi again, as you might already know that I got lots of Anacharis from a river (which exposed to chemical everyday from clothing facilities) so I found out that there’s some kind of eggs stick to the plants and today, while I was removing the mosquito larvae from a water I found this thing, its...
  5. J

    Unsure of fish type

    So, I joined the fish keeping hobby about a year ago. I started off with just bettas than tried a rainbow shark and danios(it didn’t workout well) so I moved on to an angel fish and guppies along with my bettas. My girlfriend however became interested in starting a community tank so we set up...