
  1. Z

    New 45 Gallon, stocking ideas.

    Hello, I just got a 45-gallon tank. I wonder what to do with it, as the original idea was shell-dwellers, but that was decided when I thought I was getting a 30 or 35, not a 45. I currently have a 30-gallon long nano community, a 10-gallon block Black Tiger Dario/Badis tank, an 80-gallon high...
  2. dsch132

    Surprised with a five-gallon aquarium...

    A friend of mine just moved and her new landlord won't let her have an aquarium. As such, I've now inherited a five-gallon tank. Supposedly, it's been running for almost two years with no fish but lots of plants and various waves of pest infestations. I think the pests are gone now, but I'll...
  3. dsch132

    New Aquascape Ideas

    Hello again everyone! I've been working on a new project- a five gallon cube that will eventually house a betta and possibly a mystery snail. This tank will be maintained primarily by my girlfriend as her introduction to the hobby. Originally, we were going to keep it pretty basic with minimal...
  4. T

    55gallon stocking suggestions

    Hi, just set up a 55 gallon aquarium and I'm not sure what I should stock it with. My city's water is considered hard I believe. * Ph = 7.8 - 8.52 units. * GH = 159 - 164 ppm * Calcium = 47 - 78.5 ppm Some Ideas I've had were: - Tetra Tank with 5 or six large schools of tetra - Angel Fish Tank...
  5. R

    My new tanks and stocking plan! Any ideas?

    Hey I’m new here! Just found this website while doing some research. Anyway I currently own three fish tanks, a 75g with a red Texas, jack dempsey and rainbow shark, a 20 gallon with just plants, and a new 10g that’s been cycling for a while now! Anyway I’ve been trying to figure out what type...
  6. Meg0000

    Hardy small/medium size corydoras

    Hi, as some might know 2 of my bronze corydoras died, now I am left with 6 cories. I would like to add 6 other cories but I don't know what specie... I would like a specie that could live with the bronze cories (pygmaeus couldn't for exemple right?) and that is small like around 2 inch also the...
  7. Geordie Paul

    Stocking ideas

    Hey all, another quick question! I'm finally ready to complete the stocking of my 33 gallon long! I'm looking to add a small school of mid level swimming fish but I want something colourful and not too small like tetras. Currently in my tank I have 7 corydoras and a bristlenose so I need fish...
  8. T

    55 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Hi, I have a freshwater 55 gallon tank that im re-doing and am uncertain what to stock it with. Here are some of the ideas I'm playing around with so far: - Discus with some sort of tetras - Angels with some sort of tetras Maybe add loaches too. Are these good combinations? What would be your...
  9. F

    Stocking for a 78 Gallon Tank (350L)

    Hi everyone, Getting a big brand new tank in January and obviously I'm thinking ahead here. Before I list my proposed ideas (and I would really value any advice whether it's good or not), just bear in mind I've quickly thought this up and it should not be overstocked (considering its 5ft long...
  10. E

    54 litre/ 14 gal tank stocking.

    Hi guys. Im new to tropical keeping as ive always been temperate/ coldwater. I have aquired a 54 litre/ 14 gallon. The previous owner gave me six baby female guppies. I was just wondering if it is okay to put anything else in with them?. My partner suggested a Male Betta just to add a bit of...
  11. Fish345

    Stocking Ideas For 55 gallon

    I have so far... 1x Angelfish 2x Dwarf Gourami 1x Rainbow Shark 3x Mollies 6x Albino Cory Thinking of maybe some tetras?? Idk. The tank is planted with sand and manzanita wood.
  12. K

    Fish idea help for 60 litre tank

    hi guys I am buying a 60 litre tank soon and I'd love some inspiration for fishy ideas. I'd love some top/middle and bottom action going on however, I know I can't have too many with it not being massive. Any ideas would be massively appreciated on types of fish etc to get ideas going :)...
  13. P

    Blood Parrot Friends???

    Hi i have a 65 gallon tank with a 3 inch pictus catfish 2 blue gourami 1 three inch and another about 2 inches. A blue acara cichlid about 3 inches and a blood parrot about 3 inches. The blood is extremely docile and so curious he doesn't attack anyone and just goes to hang out with them, the...
  14. Sege

    Nitrogen Cycle Startup

    Hi! I'm still new to the aquarium hobby and trying to figure out this crazy scientific nitrogen cycle. I have seen many diagrams made by people trying to explain this thing to a newbie, but really it's not helping. Specifically the part about how to start the darn thing. And suggestions on how...
  15. Sege

    Quiet Filter Possibly?

    Hi. :DSo I just got a new filter, and I set it up and everything. It runs just how it's supposed to. I just want to make it quieter. I have my tank under my loft bed, and so I sleep right on top of the noise. It's not really the grumbling sounds that the filter makes as the mechanics run to pump...
  16. E

    New 125 Gal Tank. 8.2 Ph From Faucet. What Fish Should I Get?

    So we just got a new 125 Gal Tank. We've had tanks for years and years but never one this large. The possibilities are endless! The water directly from faucet reads 7.4pH, but after sitting for 24 hours it levels off at 8.2 pH. Because the tank is so large, we want to get fish (or creatures)...
  17. starlitsunrise

    Ideas For Divided 10 Gallon With Bettas?

    Hi guys, I have finally decided what I want to do with my 10 gallon tank. On the weekend I bought a beautiful red male veil tail betta (currently in quarentine) and I want to put him in my 10 gallon tank with my female (with a divider). I was thinking of making moss wall as a divider so that...
  18. G

    Show Me Your Tank(S) :)

    What's up? Just made this thread to learn about each of you guys. just post a picture or video of your tank(s) if possible, or just give me a description of it/them. It's just mostly to learn about the other members (or guests), along with inspiration and advice on my tank. If any of you want to...
  19. G

    Show Me Your Tank(S) :)

    What's up? Just made this thread to learn about each of you guys. just post a picture or video of your tank(s) if possible, or just give me a description of it/them. It's just mostly to learn about the other members (or guests), along with inspiration and advice on my tank. If any of you want to...
  20. P

    Help With Stocking A 135 Gallon Freshwater Tank

    No african cichlids, I would like more than one stocking Idea please
  21. B

    Aqua Scape Ideas For My Tank!

    Hiya everyone! I have a 240 gallon Fluval Roma tank with: One Power-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 40W, T8 One Aqua-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 40W, T8 A 300W heater Fluval 306 external filter At the moment the tank is up and running as a tropical tank with only fake decorations in it, no...
  22. DanButterworth

    90 Liter Fluval Roma, Dont Know What To Do Next :s Ideas

    Hi i have a new 90 liter fluval roma aquarium, i have added 5 liters of colombo flora base and don't know what to do next. i would ideally like to create a planted aquascape but never done anything like it so need some advice, tips and ideas. it has an aquamanta efx 300 which has a maximum 1100...