
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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  1. J

    Ich and Raised Spots?

    Hi everyone, I recently got 3 Boesemani Rainbows from my LFS and put them in a 10-gallon quarantine tank with a seeded sponge filter from my display tank. I also added 3 platies to a separate quarantine tank with an internal filter and seeded media. Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate 0-5/10 Temp...
  2. D

    Is this ick???

    Hey there guys I’m new to aquariums I’ve been doing good but lately my plecos have been dying off one by one and when I see the bodies there are little white spots all over I looked it up and found out about ick and now my dwarf powder blue gouramis are starting to have white spots can anyone...
  3. T

    My Betta is sick, help!

    I had my female betta, Sunshine, in a 10 gallon with 4 Rosies (that pink feeder fish) and a small algae eater(unsure of breed).my tank is heated and filtered. I came to find 2 dead Rosies and a dead algae eater the other day. I removed the filter and exchanged 1/4 of the water. I have a well...
  4. L

    Hello! Question on if my fish has Ick or not?

    Hello everyone my name is Logan and I am fairly new to fish keeping (been about 6 months since my first fish and tank) I recently got a new 20 gallon tank and allowed to cycle for a good month and a half including starter bacteria and fish food occasionally to get ammonia spikes and then see if...
  5. Tl52505


    I just saw this spot on one of my neon tetras, I have not seen anything on the fins but a small raised white spot on the side. I just picked them up yesterday. Could this be ick, and if so what should I do
  6. R

    Ick help… new owner needs help

    Hi guys, I am a very new aquarium owner and am relatively nuanced about aquariums. My 29 gallon aquarium has an ick outbreak and I responded by adding doses of ick clear and removing the carbon from the filter. I added air stones and a sponge filter. My mollies and loaches seem to be acting...
  7. Yuhui

    Cleaning ick

    Hello, so I’m currently treating ich with salt and Turning up the heat for my goldfishes. Nothing major and most of the ich is already clearly up. I’m still kinda new to the fish hobby and stuff and I’m not sure how to probably clean the filters after the whole ick treatment things clears up. Is...
  8. L

    Aquarium Salt Dosing

    Hello. I have 4 Harlequin Rasboras. I had six originally (that was all the store had so don't @ me) but 2 died. I saw that one of the deceased had ick. I don't want the rest of the fish to get ick. So how do I dose aquarium salt to prevent that ick from spreading without resorting to ick x. I...
  9. Jan Cavalieri

    Is this ICK or something else - no spots just patches

    I recently received an order from an online fish store that I've ordered from before and they breed nearly all their own stock. Huge variety of fish. Anyway - I ordered some Gourami and yesterday noticed silver patches around their mouth or eyes. I assumed it was ICK but then I looked at...
  10. jessicarf00

    betta ich? - might be resolved ?

    just tonight i noticed a speck on my betta that i assume is ich. i normally wouldn’t be so freaked out but i leave for a 6 day vacation on thursday so i know i can’t do much between now and then. i have somebody lined up to feed him but i have no medications and i can’t rely on this person to...
  11. primsloaches16

    HELP PLEASE!!!!! Angelfish declining, ick or columnaris???

    Hey yall. I've had two angelfish for about 4 months now, and recently one of them has been declining in health and acting strangely. She is the smaller of the two (they are a mated pair). She used to be super active and stay close to the male, but lately she has been very lethargic and wont eat...
  12. Dephea

    Uncurable ich / ick / white spot

    I am getting very annoyed and rather disheartened now. 150L ammonia 0ppm nitr 0ppm pH 7.5 ish temp 30 degrees Celsius live plants, bogwood and resin rocks, all in gravel (changing into sand next week). Part of the plants and decor removed to make vacuuming easier without having to disturb...
  13. Abadox

    Red Tail Shark ok to put in 5 gal hospital tank??

    Hello. Two months new to the hobby. I have a red tail shark who has seemingly got ick. He is in a 30 gallon well planted tank with 12 neon tetras, 4 Tiger barbs, 1 algae eater, and 3 black mollies. Air stone, places to hide, etc. Ph 6.8-7.2, Nitrates 0, Ammonia 0. I was wondering if it would be...
  14. K

    Angel Fish with parasite?

    We have 2 large angel fish in an established tank. No new fish for months. We thought that maybe they have ick and have been treating for this but it only seems to be getting worse. This morning I saw the attached picture. It seems like they are popping and then they go away after a few hours...
  15. Brad G

    Fish with ich/ick

    I have a 20 gallon tank the has quite a few plants. I put API Super ick cure in 5 days ago. I’m starting my 2nd round of treatment because my fish still have the white spots 1 of them are actually getting worse . I took out the carbon filter but left in the ammonia filter. Should I take that off...
  16. Brad G

    Feeding fish with ick

    Hello I noticed a few of my fish have Ick/Ich. I just started the treatment tonight and was wondering if I should feed my fish. I usually feed them in the morning but I took all my invertebrates and carbon filter out. I was wondering should I still feed them like normal or wait the 4 days till...
  17. K

    The dreaded Ick!

    I have enclosed a picture of my sword I think is starting to have Ick. There is only 1 white spot on the very end of her tail & no spots on any of the other fish. I just got this & another matching sword almost a week ago. I know it is best to put them in a separate tank & quarantine for the...
  18. E

    Medication help please!

    Hi there. Need help with medications. I have a 10 gallon freshwater with two male guppies. 2 month Fishless cycled tank that has had fish for a little over a week. Water parameters are good. These guys have been in the tank for about 8 days. Saw some light stringy poo from one of them, and now...
  19. K

    Fungus, Ick or something else??

    1 of my black mollies has some weird disease. Just noticed it this morning. All the other fish in the tank look fine. At first I thought it was Ick but then noticed it is actually bumps on his tail but only 1 side. Seems to have white spots on his body & his color is not as black. Water...
  20. R

    White Spot on Betta

    Hello all, I am a bit worried about a white spot I spotted on one of our little guy’s scales. Any idea what it could be? I’m worried it could be the start of ick but worry about starting treatment without knowing the cause. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  21. A

    Lethargic Betta

    Hi! My betta was acting weird when I came home Thursday night. He was hiding and laying on the bottom, which is fairly normal for him, but it didn’t seem right. So I fed him and then kept the lights off. Yesterday, he was breathing hard and had clamped fins so I moved him to a plastic container...
  22. M

    White Spot or Sporozoran?

    I need a few opinions and some advice! I have two loaches (Nimrod who, despite his name, is very loved and probably my favorite, and Priz). I had them for about three weeks in my planted tank when I noticed white spots form on their fins and sides. Originally I thought it was Ich (even as a...
  23. A

    Can I Dose 4 Times On Imagitarium Parasite Remedy??

    I bought imagitarium parasite remedy to control ick and it says to dose every other day for 3 doses. It's been three doses and I dont know if it's safe to dose more than what it says. Dont get me wrong but most of the ick is gone but it's still there and I also raised the temp to 80f because...
  24. N

    My fish are sick and dying!

    Yesterday, when I came home from work, I went to feed my fish and they were all sick! I look at and feed my fish every morning before work and before I go to bed. They seemed normal to me and then suddenly my whole tank was infected! I did reasearch and believe my fish have the "ick". They have...
  25. D

    In desperate need of help.

    10 gallon tank 1 African dwarf frog (fine) 1 Japanese shrimp (fine) 2 assassin snails (fine, and ill explain why I have them shortly) 6 serpae (blood) tetras Had the tank neatly a year (no manor problems). I got these bread things to help control nitrates/nitrites. Water specs are good (last i...
  26. HarpyFishLover

    I need help curing a betta's ich...

    Hello! I didn't post this in emergencies because I know what this is, and it's not lethal at this stage. So yesterday I noticed some strange behavior in my new betta. He was dashing around, scraping against things, crashing into my heater... then I got out my flashlight and looked at him. He...
  27. cooledwhip

    Treating Ick/ich Help

    I discovered last night my tank has ICK in it, it took my pleco and I moved my guppy to a quarantine tank. There is no fish int he tank now only a lot of plants and my drift wood and substrate. I turned off my filter, I have my heater and air stone still going tho. I added two tablets of Tetra...
  28. cooledwhip

    Ich Killed My Pleco, Killing My Guppy And Plants!

    Please help me. I have an emergency, I had a pleco and a guppy because I am cycling my 20G long tank. Long story short they both have ICH, I put them in a 5 gallon quarantine and the pleco died and the guppy I think will die. I'm not too worried about the fish, they are both doing REALLY bad. I...
  29. JonathanWebb

    Treating Ick With Bgk, Clown Loaches And Shrimp

    Help. I have a black ghost knife, four yo-yo loaches and two Clown loaches among other fish which are not as important for this topic. My tank has ick for the first time, the tank is 2 1/2 years old. Given that these are sensitive fish I have been doing a lot of reading but depending on what I...
  30. M

    Ich - Replanting

    Hey all,   I was just wondering, I took my plants out of my tank to treat ich, and now that it is gone, and I have waited about ten days treating it, I would like to replant them. But I am not sure if it would have moved over to the quarantine tank where I have my plants (no fish), and I was...
  31. L

    Livebearing Tank And All My Issues.

    To start, my name is Melissa.  I live in Iowa, USA.  I have lots of tanks over the years, my first was when I was 16 and it was a 20 gallon eclipse form Petsmart.  My sister bought it for my as a birthday gift.  For this tank, she bought me 2 black moors and I loved them. I went on spring break...
  32. rossclan151

    Ick Issues

    I am new to this forum and have an ICK emergency.  I have a newer 30 gallon fish tank (3 months) that I did an ammonia fishless cycle on.  I have tested the water every week since it was cycled and we are good to go.  I also challenged the tank with ammonia to make sure it was ready before...
  33. R

    Fish Has White Spot And Hurt Fin.

    Hi,    We got this fish two days ago at Petco and none of the other fish looked sick in the tank.  We had one cory in the tank and got one other molly.  The fish store said they are all community fish and should be fine together.  Could this white spot be ick or a disease? or is it possible that...
  34. B

    Ángel Fish And Molly's Dying. Ick

    Hi I am new to the hobby. And most of my fish have died in the past 3-4 days. Tank is 65 gallons, water test is fine. I have molly, angelfish and guppies. The guppies are all alive but the others are dropping like flies. The tank is about 2-3 months. Ick started in the tank and I have raised...
  35. mrstwalker

    Death Bed Platy?! :(

    My beautiful sunset/wagtail platy is at wits end..    I came home from an all day outing to find my male platy drained of color (black tail now white/clear..red faded on body) and hovering near the top of the tank.  i believe i spotted some ich on his mouth, so my husband and i tested the pH...
  36. NomNomTiger

    Angelfish Death Now Ich.

    I have been breeding angelfish for a fair while now. I have a 55g with 2 plecos, 2 dojos and 7 angels. 3 just little juvies. I had 2 others in before but I sold the one as his mate got with 2 other males in the tank and he got beat up. Then a few days later I come home to see the pleco eating my...
  37. 3baymares

    Scared To Put Fish Back In...

    I had a happy 10 gallon planted tank for 3 years with 7 tetras in it.  Then, a few months ago I upgraded to a 30 gallon tank. All the plants and fish were happy with the switch after 3-4 weeks so I then (made the mistake) of going to PetCo and picking up 5 more tetras to slowly up my fish...
  38. L

    Disease In Tank - Help - 1 Gone Already

    Hello all,    I have a disease in my tank which seems to be slowly spreading. Any advice/feedback would be appreciated. Thanks in advance   About a month ago I had my Dwarf Neon Rainbow die from an unknown disease. here is what happened.   He had pop eye a few months back, but I treated him for...
  39. MissKaylakay93

    Ich That Just Wont Go Away.

    I have a 36 gallon with livebearers and other community fish, and ich that we just can't kick. Here's the run down:   We have 2 Swordtails, 3 Guppies, 4 Platies, 1 Dwarf Platy, 1 Molly, 4 Australian Rainbows, 1 Algea Eater, and 7 Neon Tetras. The tank has been up and running for four months with...
  40. Moolly

    Corydoras Nearly Dead?!

    So I bought 4 new Corys (pretty sure the shop advertised them as Corydoras sp. columbia). And the past few days one in particular has been looking off - paler than normal, and noticeably smaller in size than the others. Yesterday when I looked in the tank it looked dead - was upside down on the...