
  1. L

    Sick Julii Cory

    I cleaned my tank yesterday and did a 25% water change, I noticed last night my Cory had a red blotch on its side and when goggling it suggested to do a salt bath for 15mins and return the Cory back to the tank , done this and this morning the red blotch has gone however still one very unhappy...
  2. Stefan3289

    Possible ich?

    Hello all, I recently set up a betta sorority tank and it looks like one of them (which is who I would say is the dominant one of the group) seems to have a few white spots on her side. It looks like I caught it early but wanted to get a second opinion. I delt with ich before in my larger 75...
  3. Stefan3289

    Is my tank getting ich

    Hello all, I just was starting my weekly water change on my 75 South American cichlid tank and I noticed one of my rainbow fish has a white bump on her side. My severum has had a white bump on his fin for a few weeks but he is fine I am not sure what that is as he shows no other symptoms. I...
  4. J

    Please Help-Fish seem to have weird white bumps on them

    I have a 20gal tank with 5 zebra danios and 2 albino cories. One of the danios and one of the cories seem to have weird white bumps on them. Does this look like ich? In my opinion the cory just seems to have weird white flakes and it is probably not ich(it is also not behaving oddly). The danio...
  5. S

    Please help, unexplained fish deaths!

    Hi, Thank you so much for taking the time to read it, I am very worried about more of my fish dying/my fish suffering or living an unhappy life in their home! I haven't joined a forum on keeping fish before so I am new to this, hope I include everything needed! I have listed all information...
  6. C

    Help!! Glofish with ich and now fin rot?

    Hi, I’m new to the fish keeping hobby and this past week has been pretty stressful :( About 6 days ago I noticed that my glofish tetra had a couple of white spots growing on her fin. I did research and came to the conclusion that this was in fact ich. I went to the pet store and purchased super...
  7. K

    Help, Confusion About Treating Ich

    Hello, I am new to the aquatic world and just got my first fish last Saturday: 1 betta and 5 tiger barbs (I've read that the tiger barbs can be aggressive towards bettas, but they were housed together at the pet shop and I haven't had any issues with them). Because of limited transportation (I...