
  1. J

    Corydora seems like it got hurt scales , please help

    Hello everyone. Can anyone help me here please. Today i noticed that after, a bit more than a year, and everything has been fine, one of my Corys have something on the side, almost like if he scratched with something or crashed with something and got hurt. But im not sure how something like this...
  2. C

    My fish is sick or hurt!?

    i bought a silver lyretail molly and I noticed it's side fun closest to its gill is stuck straight out . He's not moving it . Is it hurt or does have an illness and if so how do I cure /fix it??
  3. G

    Help! Black angle hurt.

    Tank size: 20 us gallon high pH: unknown ammonia:unknown nitrite:unknown nitrate:unknown kH: unknown gH: unknown tank temp: Upper seventy's lower eighty's. Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Angel fish was fine when I put it in yesterday...
  4. NomNomTiger

    Golden Dojo Pregnant Or Hurt?

    I have to Golden dojos that I BELIEVE to be both Male, (Karl and Franchesco)   Karl is a lot bigger than Fran, but I got them around the same size and not too far apart. They have been buds for a while now, around 5 months at min. Franchesco follows karl, like right beside him, like he's stuck...