hole in head

  1. J

    German Blue Ram - White Pimple/Bump on Head

    Hey guys, While doing tank maintenance today, I noticed my German Blue Ram has about 4-5 white/beige/pink protruding spots on its head that literally look like pimples. The most concerning one is a big bump on its forehead with a pimple on top—it kind of looks like really bad acne. Looking...
  2. J

    Kribensis mouth rot / hole in the head

    Hi all. Spent the weekend at the in laws house and a couple of the fish were pretty sick. I did a big water change for them as they ‘top up the evaporated water regularly’! (Difficult as it’s the brother in laws tank but he no longer lives there) and scrubbed the algae off of the glass and...
  3. S

    Help with diagnosing disease on Firemouth?

    I have a community tank and two of my fire mouths have these white spots on them, but they don't look like the ich that I have experienced before? I'm starting to get worried that it's either Hole in the Head or Columnaris. I've attached pictures of two of the fire mouths. It has spread to my...
  4. Hamdhan777

    Hole in head, and growth on gill? Sparkling Gourami Help.

    Hi guys, One of my female sparkling gourami has developed what appears to be a dent on her head, and discoloration to part of one of her gills (there is also some white growth protruding from this area). She still eats, but is swimming rather lethargic. Tank is cycled. Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0...
  5. $

    Spinning glofish

    I have 6 glofish, 2 glofish tiger barbs, 3 rosy barbs, 8 zebra danios, 3 panda garras, and 1 Amano shrimp in a 20 gallon tank. Parameters are 7.4 ph, ammonia 0, nitrates 10-20. Feeding is once a day with fish flakes and about once a week I drop in an algae tab and some sinking shrimp pellets...